Knowing a person online for years, getting vibes of honesty, participating in interesting projects, gets involved with blockchain development, starts their own blockchain, but maintains a mindset of ownership. Furthermore, colors of authoritarian noise came along the way as well, slowly evolving from a "I know better" perspective, not giving a dime about others' feelings. This seems to be understood as determination by that person. So it went on for years, hidden behind the facade of a good/noble person. The outcomes of looking at their work though, are not hidden that much. The said determination made the first peer to peer network to be tainted by such mindset that the architecture of it is, since 2018, an inequality network. To add more in that, the work was never audited as it should. Cryptographic algorithms accompanying the software were written from scratch, breaching in silence the trust of the user-base. But for all the above, even if anyone spoke up about those misconceptions and detouring from the original idea, they did not reach my ears or eyes. During the past month, the said person stroke once more, this time, even more methodically and aware of what he was about to do. Taking back previous claims about the direction of the project which in his words, was community driven. A famous quote applies here for the fellow person: "Dictators free their selves, but they enslave the people". In such situation though, with humanity working collectively towards freedom and equality, the communities' backlash was and still is tremendous. A thing that in no way was expected by the actor. As every dictator, he opposed his own people, trying to silence them and forced them to exile. Before getting in my hands proofs on chain and commit histories, trying to convince he is most likely on the wrong, I met up a new character, a relentless one that also moved quickly to oppose me as well. Even in such position that I was quickly put in exile as well. I did my best to remind the person about values and such, but apparently, when liquidity becomes the new belief system, nothing really matters. This whole situation left me angered. Not anger towards the person but towards me, getting uncomfortable with my own decisions to trust not the person, but their code. A code that the person sees as his legacy, a classic dictator's mindset, but even with my little experience I can understand that it is effectively dangerous to run. A code base that for more than 10 years is depending on an unstable release of a library which was receiving updates tactically and had many stable releases since then. That would be a more honest take on his partners presentation, particularly on the session "Meet CJD". The ID of this post will be included as a reference, as well with a date of posting, in my personal not decentralized blog feed that you can find at shortly after this is posted here, in, operated by the said person. Thanks for reading and be always alarmed, Kaotisk Hund PS: I should clarify that when referring to "CJD", I mean "Cartman James DeLisle". Any similarities with real people is unintentional and the whole post is a work of fiction dealing with philosophical questions and values. The above could be found at (unless I got banned from the site): - 2024.09.27 - Update: I left pkteerium cause I chose to do so. I prefer to be on my own than to depend on anyone's will, even more if it is the fictional person I mentioned above.