If you are visiting for the first time, you might need to "Allow Audio" first. Please do and refresh the page.
Sometimes, you will need to press the "Sync" button more than once. That's mostly due to bandwidth capabilities of both the server and the client. The "tune" would be right if you press it multiple times and land near the same timespace over and over.
Ideally, if "Listening at:" and "Show playback:" have the same value then you are in sync!
Download progress:
Live progress:
Listening at:
Show playback:
Artist | |
Title | |
Starts On (ms) | |
Duration (s) |
Time elapsed since visited (s) | |
List started on (ms) | |
List duration (s) |
Times Fully Played | |
Times Played | |
Dt | |
Delta time | |
Initial "tune in" time (s) |