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This is a "Radio Station Emulator". We create lists with shows to be played, but since we are not doing streaming of the playlists, we offer another way of "tuning in".
Providing the time a list started playing and having pre-calculated the starting timestamps of each show relevant to the list start timestamp, we can calculate which show is on and what its current time of playing is.
Ultimately, you are hearing what we would be streaming, as you would do for a regular radio station.
Download progress:
Live progress:
Listening at:
Show playback:
Artist | |
Title | |
Starts On (ms) | |
Duration (s) |
Time of visit (ms) | |
Time elapsed since visited (s) | |
List started on (ms) | |
List duration (s) |
Times Fully Played | |
Times Played | |
Dt = TP - TFP | |
Delta time | |
Initial "tune in" time (s) |