diff options
authorkaotisk <kaotisk@arching-kaos.org>2023-08-03 20:11:54 +0300
committerkaotisk <kaotisk@arching-kaos.org>2023-08-03 20:11:54 +0300
commitceab9d276be46d6d136d6a7d48c7ed165f7bc0f1 (patch)
parent67c23e3746159299d5bdd8be03ba94c5d9f2cc3a (diff)
New tool: Create merkle tree from file
1 files changed, 219 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/bin/ak-sm-merkle-tree b/bin/ak-sm-merkle-tree
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..1178803
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bin/ak-sm-merkle-tree
@@ -0,0 +1,219 @@
+# The concept is simple
+# 1. For a given file we split in 1MB files inside a temporary directory
+# 2. We then create a map file, containing the resulted files and their sha512sum
+# 3. We move the files to our $CHKDIR named after their checksums
+# We ultimately want to be seeding the file so
+# 4. We append the checksum of the original file with its name into the map file
+# 5. We rename the map file after its checksum and move it to maps directory
+# 6. We are done!
+# Uncomment next line if you want to debug
+# set -xe
+PROGRAM="$(basename $0)"
+if [ ! -f "$1" ]
+ echo "[ERROR] File not found"
+ exit 1
+ FILE="$1"
+# The directory where the chunked data will be living at
+# The directory for the map files so we can reconstruct the file
+# Merkle tree file/references
+# A temporary root dir to work on
+# A subdir to split the files there
+# A pin point to return from where we came from
+# Our snippet for logging debug info
+ ak-logthis "<$PROGRAM>" "$1" "$2"
+# Checking directories and create them if necessary
+if [ ! -d "$TECHDIR" ]
+ mkdir -p "$TECHDIR"
+ if [ "$?" == 0 ]
+ then
+ logit "[INFO]" "Folder $TECHDIR created!"
+ else
+ logit "[ERROR]" "Problem occured while creating $TECHDIR"
+ echo "[ERROR] Can't create $TECHDIR"
+ exit 1
+ fi
+ logit "[INFO]" "Temp dir found"
+if [ ! -d "$FILEMAPSDIR" ]
+ mkdir -p "$FILEMAPSDIR"
+ if [ "$?" == 0 ]
+ then
+ logit "[INFO]" "Folder $FILEMAPSDIR created!"
+ else
+ logit "[ERROR]" "Problem occured while creating $FILEMAPSDIR"
+ echo "[ERROR] Can't create $FILEMAPSDIR"
+ exit 1
+ fi
+ logit "[INFO]" "Mapsdir found"
+if [ ! -d "$CHKDIR" ]
+ mkdir -p "$CHKDIR"
+ if [ "$?" == 0 ]
+ then
+ logit "[INFO]" "Folder $CHKDIR created!"
+ else
+ logit "[ERROR]" "Problem occured while creating $CHKDIR"
+ echo "[ERROR] Can't create $CHKDIR"
+ exit 1
+ fi
+ logit "[INFO]" "Workdir found"
+if [ ! -d "$MERKLEDIR" ]
+ mkdir -p "$MERKLEDIR"
+ if [ "$?" == 0 ]
+ then
+ logit "[INFO]" "Folder $MERKLEDIR created!"
+ else
+ logit "[ERROR]" "Problem occured while creating $MERKLEDIR"
+ echo "[ERROR] Can't create $MERKLEDIR"
+ exit 1
+ fi
+ logit "[INFO]" "Workdir found"
+# Uncomment next line in case you want to debug the resulting script as well
+# echo 'set -xe' > $TEMPORARYDIR/cmd_queue.sh
+# We get the SHA512 hash for the $FILE given
+CHECKSUM=$(sha512sum "$FILE"|awk '{print $1}')
+# We split the file into 4*1024 bytes and output the chunks into TECHDIR
+split -a 50 -b 4096 --additional-suffix ".chk" -d "$FILE" "$TECHDIR$(basename "$FILE")-"
+# We go over there...
+#set -xe
+# We get every chunks' SHA512 and we craft a script to rename the chunks and
+# move them to CHKDIR
+for file in $TEMPORARYDIR/chks/*
+ sha512sum $file >> $TEMPORARYDIR/map
+# Append last chk if not even number
+ if [ "$(expr $(wc -l "$1" | awk '{ print $1 }') % 2)" != 0 ]
+ then
+ tail -n 1 "$1" >> "$1"
+ fi
+appendLastIfNotEven "$TEMPORARYDIR/map"
+# Figure out how many times we need to pack
+totalChunks=`grep 'chk' $TEMPORARYDIR/map | wc -l`
+while [ $temp != 1 ]
+ temp=`expr $temp / 2`
+ timesRan=`expr $timesRan + 1`
+printf "Ran %s times \n" "$timesRan"
+printf "Total chunks %s \n" "$totalChunks"
+while [ "$c" != 0 ]
+ a=1
+ printf "Level: %s, will work on %s chunks\n" "$c" "$totalChunks"
+ while [[ "$a" -lt "$totalChunks" ]]
+ do
+ b=`expr "$a" + 1`
+ printf "Lines of map: %s and %s of %s\n" "$a" "$b" "$totalChunks"
+ sed -n "$a"p "$workingIndex" | awk '{ print $1 }' >> level.$c.pair.$a-$b
+ sed -n "$b"p "$workingIndex" | awk '{ print $1 }' >> level.$c.pair.$a-$b
+ shaSum="$(sha512sum level.$c.pair.$a-$b | awk '{ print $1 }')"
+ cp level.$c.pair.$a-$b $MERKLEDIR/$shaSum
+ sha512sum level.$c.pair.$a-$b | awk '{ print $1 }' >> level.$c.map
+ a=`expr "$a" + 2`
+ printf "Next thing: %s\n" "$a"
+ done
+ workingIndex="level.$c.map"
+ shaSum=`sha512sum $workingIndex | awk '{ print $1 }'`
+ cp $workingIndex $MERKLEDIR/$shaSum
+ appendLastIfNotEven "$workingIndex"
+ totalChunks=`cat $workingIndex | wc -l`
+ c=`expr $c - 1`
+if [ -f level.1.map ]
+ sha512sum level.1.map
+ echo error
+ exit 1
+# Reset file with uniq
+cat $TEMPORARYDIR/map | uniq > $TEMPORARYDIR/map2
+while IFS="" read -r p || [ -n "$p" ]
+ printf "mv %s %s%s\n" "$(echo $p | awk '{ print $2 }')" "$CHKDIR" "$(echo $p | awk '{ print $1 }')" >> $TEMPORARYDIR/cmd_queue.sh
+ counter=`expr "$counter" + 1`
+done < $TEMPORARYDIR/map
+# We run the crafted script
+sh $TEMPORARYDIR/cmd_queue.sh
+# and we delete it
+rm $TEMPORARYDIR/cmd_queue.sh
+# We inform the map about the original $FILE name and SHA512
+echo "$CHECKSUM $(basename "$FILE")" >> $TEMPORARYDIR/map
+# We get the SHA512 hash of the resulted map file
+MAPFILEHASH="$(sha512sum $TEMPORARYDIR/map | awk '{ print $1 }')"
+# and we rename it with it and move it to FILEMAPSDIR
+`sha512sum $TEMPORARYDIR/map | awk '{print "mv " $2 " '$FILEMAPSDIR'" $1}'`
+# We remove the TEMPORARYDIR
+# and print the MAPFILEHASH