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39 files changed, 244 insertions, 221 deletions
diff --git a/bin/ak-articles b/bin/ak-articles index e6c45c4..9e7c7b4 100755 --- a/bin/ak-articles +++ b/bin/ak-articles @@ -1,7 +1,29 @@ #!/bin/bash + +PROGRAM=$(basename $0) +descriptionString="Articles module for Arching Kaos" + +logit(){ + ak-logthis "$PROGRAM" "$1" "$2" +} +new_line(){ + printf '\n' +} +description(){ + full_title="$(printf '%s - %s' "$PROGRAM" "$descriptionString")" + delimiter_count=`echo -n $full_title | wc -c` + printf '%s' "$full_title" + new_line + while [ $delimiter_count -gt 0 ] + do + printf '=' + delimiter_count=$(($delimiter_count-1)) + done + new_line +} + ZARTICLESDIR="$AK_WORKDIR/articles" TEMP="/tmp/aktmp" -echo $ZARTICLESDIR if [ ! -d $ZARTICLESDIR ]; then mkdir $ZARTICLESDIR cd $ZARTICLESDIR @@ -47,8 +69,7 @@ _ak_modules_articles_index(){ done } _ak_modules_articles_title(){ - echo ak-articles-cli - echo "--------------" + description } _ak_modules_articles_import(){ echo "#TODO" diff --git a/bin/ak-data-expand b/bin/ak-data-expand index 862fa75..d13233d 100755 --- a/bin/ak-data-expand +++ b/bin/ak-data-expand @@ -5,94 +5,94 @@ then mkdir $AK_WORKDIR/ipfs fi logit(){ - ak-logthis "<$PROGRAM>" "$1" "$2" + ak-logthis "$PROGRAM" "$1" "$2" } if [ ! -z "$1" ] && [ ! -z "$2" ] then echo -n "$1" | grep -e 'Qm.\{44\}' >/dev/null if [ "$?" -ne 0 ] then - logit "[ERROR]" "Invalid hash format for $1" + logit "ERROR" "Invalid hash format for $1" exit 1 fi ak-ipfs-cat $1 > /dev/null if [ "$?" -ne 0 ] then - logit "[ERROR]" "Error while reading $1" + logit "ERROR" "Error while reading $1" exit 1 fi ak-ipfs-cat $1 | jq -M > /dev/null if [ "$?" -ne 0 ] then - logit "[ERROR]" "Error while parsing JSON for $1" + logit "ERROR" "Error while parsing JSON for $1" exit 1 fi ak-ipfs-cat $1 | jq | grep ipfs > /dev/null if [ "$?" -ne 0 ] then - logit "[ERROR]" "Error while extracting data from JSON for $1" + logit "ERROR" "Error while extracting data from JSON for $1" exit 1 fi DATA="$(ak-ipfs-cat $1 | jq | grep ipfs | sed -e 's/"ipfs": "//g; s/[",]//g; s/ //g')" if [ "$?" -ne 0 ] then - logit "[ERROR]" "Error while extracting data from JSON for $1" + logit "ERROR" "Error while extracting data from JSON for $1" exit 1 fi ak-ipfs-cat $1 | jq | grep detach > /dev/null if [ "$?" -ne 0 ] then - logit "[ERROR]" "Error while extracting data from JSON for $1" + logit "ERROR" "Error while extracting data from JSON for $1" exit 1 fi DETACH="$(ak-ipfs-cat $1 | jq | grep detach | sed -e 's/"detach": "//g; s/[",]//g; s/ //g')" if [ "$?" -ne 0 ] then - logit "[ERROR]" "Error while extracting data from JSON for $1" + logit "ERROR" "Error while extracting data from JSON for $1" exit 1 fi echo -n "$2" | grep -e 'Qm.\{44\}' >/dev/null if [ "$?" -ne 0 ] then - logit "[ERROR]" "Invalid hash format for $2" + logit "ERROR" "Invalid hash format for $2" exit 1 fi gpg="$2" ak-ipfs-get $gpg > /dev/null 2>&1 if [ "$?" -ne 0 ] then - logit "[ERROR]" "Could not get GPG key: $gpg" + logit "ERROR" "Could not get GPG key: $gpg" exit 1 fi gpg2 --homedir $AK_GPGHOME --import $gpg > /dev/null 2>&1 if [ "$?" -ne 0 ] then - logit "[ERROR]" "Could not import GPG key: $gpg" + logit "ERROR" "Could not import GPG key: $gpg" exit 1 fi ak-ipfs-get $DETACH > /dev/null 2>&1 if [ "$?" -ne 0 ] then - logit "[ERROR]" "Error while getting signature: $DETACH for data: $DATA" + logit "ERROR" "Error while getting signature: $DETACH for data: $DATA" exit 1 fi mv $DETACH $DATA.asc - logit "[INFO]" "Block signature downloaded" + logit "INFO" "Block signature downloaded" ak-ipfs-get $DATA > /dev/null 2>&1 if [ "$?" -ne 0 ] then - logit "[ERROR]" "Error while getting data: $DATA" + logit "ERROR" "Error while getting data: $DATA" exit 1 fi - logit "[INFO]" "Data downloaded: $DATA" + logit "INFO" "Data downloaded: $DATA" gpg2 --homedir $AK_GPGHOME --verify $DATA.asc $DATA > /dev/null 2>&1 if [ "$?" -ne 0 ] then - logit "[ERROR]" "Error while verifying signature for $DATA" + logit "ERROR" "Error while verifying signature for $DATA" exit 1 fi mv $DATA $AK_WORKDIR/ipfs - logit "[INFO]" "Block signature verified" + logit "INFO" "Block signature verified" echo -n '"data":"'$1'","'$1'":'$(ak-ipfs-cat $1|jq -M -c)',' exit 0 else diff --git a/bin/ak-enter b/bin/ak-enter index 3313329..92a434d 100755 --- a/bin/ak-enter +++ b/bin/ak-enter @@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ PROGRAM="$(basename $0)" logit(){ - ak-logthis "<$PROGRAM>" "$1" "$2" + ak-logthis "$PROGRAM" "$1" "$2" } usage(){ @@ -45,7 +45,7 @@ isIPFSv0 () { echo $1 | grep -e 'Qm.\{44\}' > /dev/null if [ "$?" -ne 0 ] then - logit "[ERROR]" "Argument provided was not an IPFS CIDv0 string" + logit "ERROR" "Argument provided was not an IPFS CIDv0 string" exit 1 fi else @@ -84,7 +84,7 @@ while [ "$#" ]; do entrance="$(ak-ipns-resolve $1)" if [ "$?" -ne 0 ] then - logit "[ERROR]" "Could not resolve IPNS name" + logit "ERROR" "Could not resolve IPNS name" exit 1 fi shift @@ -135,7 +135,7 @@ do # Reset timestamp since it's introduced later timestamp='' # Announce to logs which ZBLOCK is being read at the moment - logit "[INFO]" "Examining $zblock" + logit "INFO" "Examining $zblock" isIPFSv0 "$zblock" @@ -143,23 +143,23 @@ do ak-ipfs-cat $zblock | jq -c -M > $AK_ZBLOCKDIR/$zblock if [ "$?" -ne 0 ] then - logit "[ERROR]" "ZBLOCK $zblock READ failed" + logit "ERROR" "ZBLOCK $zblock READ failed" exit 1 fi - logit "[INFO]" "ZBLOCK $zblock READ" + logit "INFO" "ZBLOCK $zblock READ" echo -n '{' # echo -n '"id":"'$counter'",' echo -n '"zblock":"'$zblock'",' - + # If it's JSON formated cat $AK_ZBLOCKDIR/$zblock | jq -M > /dev/null 2>&1 if [ "$?" -ne 0 ] then - logit "[ERROR]" "ZBLOCK $zblock is not JSON" + logit "ERROR" "ZBLOCK $zblock is not JSON" cat /dev/null > $AK_ZBLOCKDIR/$zblock > /dev/null 2>&1 exit 1 fi - logit "[INFO]" "ZBLOCK $zblock is JSON" + logit "INFO" "ZBLOCK $zblock is JSON" # Be sure that there are the expected values # We need 'block' and 'block_signature' inside a 'zblock' @@ -167,20 +167,20 @@ do block="$(cat $AK_ZBLOCKDIR/$zblock | jq -M -r .block)" if [ "$block" == "null" ] then - logit "[ERROR]" "ZBLOCK $zblock has no block" + logit "ERROR" "ZBLOCK $zblock has no block" exit 1 fi isIPFSv0 "$block" - logit "[INFO]" "ZBLOCK $zblock has block" + logit "INFO" "ZBLOCK $zblock has block" block_signature="$(cat $AK_ZBLOCKDIR/$zblock | jq -M -r .block_signature)" if [ "$block_signature" == "null" ] then - logit "[ERROR]" "ZBLOCK $zblock doesn't contain a block_signature" + logit "ERROR" "ZBLOCK $zblock doesn't contain a block_signature" exit 1 fi isIPFSv0 "$block_signature" - logit "[INFO]" "ZBLOCK $zblock contains a block_signature" + logit "INFO" "ZBLOCK $zblock contains a block_signature" # Same as above applies to BLOCK and DATA subparts of each ZBLOCK # BLOCKS @@ -189,24 +189,24 @@ do cat $AK_BLOCKDIR/$block | jq -M > /dev/null 2>&1 if [ "$?" -ne 0 ] then - logit "[ERROR]" "BLOCK $block READ failed" + logit "ERROR" "BLOCK $block READ failed" exit 1 fi grep -e 'timestamp' -e 'gpg' -e 'data' -e 'action' -e 'detach' -e 'previous' $AK_BLOCKDIR/$block > /dev/null 2>&1 if [ "$?" -ne 0 ] then - logit "[ERROR]" "BLOCK $block is NOT a valid block" + logit "ERROR" "BLOCK $block is NOT a valid block" exit 1 fi - logit "[INFO]" "BLOCK $block is a block" + logit "INFO" "BLOCK $block is a block" action="$(cat $AK_BLOCKDIR/$block | jq -M -r .action)" module="$(echo $action | sed -e 's/\// /g' | awk '{ print $1 }')" - logit "[INFO]" "DATA is $module module." + logit "INFO" "DATA is $module module." command="$(echo $action | sed -e 's/\// /g' | awk '{ print $2 }')" - logit "[INFO]" "COMMAND is $command" + logit "INFO" "COMMAND is $command" timestamp="$(cat $AK_BLOCKDIR/$block | jq -M -r .timestamp)" if [ "$timestamp" != "null" ] @@ -231,36 +231,36 @@ do ak-ipfs-get $gpg > /dev/null 2>&1 if [ "$?" -ne 0 ] then - logit "[ERROR]" "Could not get GPG key: $gpg ." + logit "ERROR" "Could not get GPG key: $gpg ." exit 1 fi gpg2 --homedir $AK_GPGHOME --import $gpg > /dev/null 2>&1 if [ "$?" -ne 0 ] then - logit "[ERROR]" "Could not import GPG key: $gpg ." + logit "ERROR" "Could not import GPG key: $gpg ." exit 1 fi ak-ipfs-get $block_signature > /dev/null 2>&1 if [ "$?" -ne 0 ] then - logit "[ERROR]" "Error while getting $block_signature for $block" + logit "ERROR" "Error while getting $block_signature for $block" exit 1 fi mv $block_signature $block.asc - logit "[INFO]" "Block signature downloaded" + logit "INFO" "Block signature downloaded" ak-ipfs-get $block > /dev/null 2>&1 if [ "$?" -ne 0 ] then - logit "[ERROR]" "Could not get $block block" + logit "ERROR" "Could not get $block block" exit 1 fi - logit "[INFO]" "Downloaded block $block." + logit "INFO" "Downloaded block $block." gpg2 --homedir $AK_GPGHOME --verify $block.asc > /dev/null 2>&1 if [ "$?" -ne 0 ] then - logit "[ERROR]" "Could not verify $block with GPG key $gpg." + logit "ERROR" "Could not verify $block with GPG key $gpg." exit 1 fi logit "[GPG]" "$gpg signature of $block is verified." @@ -271,7 +271,7 @@ do ak-data-expand $data $gpg if [ "$?" -ne 0 ] then - logit "[ERROR]" "Failed on data signature verification [data: $data, gpg: $gpg, zblock: $zblock]" + logit "ERROR" "Failed on data signature verification [data: $data, gpg: $gpg, zblock: $zblock]" exit 1 fi @@ -286,15 +286,15 @@ do previous="$(cat $AK_BLOCKDIR/$block | jq -M -r .previous)" if [ -v $previous ] then - logit "[WARNING]" "Block $block has no previous zblock, appending pseudo genesis to exit with 2." + logit "WARNING" "Block $block has no previous zblock, appending pseudo genesis to exit with 2." echo -n '"previous":"genesis"},{"genesis":"genesis"}]' - logit "[INFO]" "Reached pseudo-genesis, counted $counter zblocks." + logit "INFO" "Reached pseudo-genesis, counted $counter zblocks." exit 2 # Otherwise, we inform of the sequence else #echo "$zblock after $previous" - logit "[INFO]" "Found a previous block for $zblock: $previous" + logit "INFO" "Found a previous block for $zblock: $previous" echo -n '"previous":"'$previous'"}' zblock=$previous fi @@ -311,7 +311,7 @@ do elif [ "$zblock" == "$seed" ] then echo -n '{"genesis":"genesis"}]' - logit "[INFO]" "Reached $seed, counted $counter zblocks." + logit "INFO" "Reached $seed, counted $counter zblocks." exit 0 fi # And finally, if nothing is there exit with error diff --git a/bin/ak-files b/bin/ak-files index 20083ab..299bf4a 100755 --- a/bin/ak-files +++ b/bin/ak-files @@ -4,21 +4,21 @@ ZFILESDIR="$AK_WORKDIR/files" TEMP="/tmp/aktmp" PROGRAM="$(basename $0)" logit(){ - ak-logthis "<$PROGRAM>" "$1" "$2" + ak-logthis "$PROGRAM" "$1" "$2" } if [ ! -d $ZFILESDIR ]; then - mkdir $ZFILESDIR - if [ $? == 0 ] - then - logit "[INFO]" "Folder $ZFILESDIR created!" - else - logit "[ERROR]" "Failed to create $ZFILESDIR folder" - exit 1 - fi - cd $ZFILESDIR - git init + mkdir $ZFILESDIR + if [ $? == 0 ] + then + logit "INFO" "Folder $ZFILESDIR created!" + else + logit "ERROR" "Failed to create $ZFILESDIR folder" + exit 1 + fi + cd $ZFILESDIR + git init else - logit "[INFO]" "$ZFILESDIR found!" + logit "INFO" "$ZFILESDIR found!" fi _ak_modules_files_usage(){ @@ -35,47 +35,47 @@ main(){ FILENAME="$1" CRP="$2" echo "Adding $FILENAME" - logit "[INFO]" "Switching to tmp folder..." + logit "INFO" "Switching to tmp folder..." TEMPASSIN="$(ak-tempassin)" cd $TEMPASSIN if [ $? == 0 ]; then - logit "[INFO]" "Success" + logit "INFO" "Success" else - logit "[ERROR]" "Error with tmp folder" - exit 5 + logit "ERROR" "Error with tmp folder" + exit 5 fi - logit "[INFO]" "Copying $1 to $TEMPASSIN" + logit "INFO" "Copying $1 to $TEMPASSIN" cp $2/$1 $TEMPASSIN/$1 if [ $? == 0 ]; then - logit "[INFO]" "Copied successfully" + logit "INFO" "Copied successfully" else - logit "[ERROR]" "Error copying..." + logit "ERROR" "Error copying..." fi FILE="$TEMPASSIN/$1" - logit "[INFO]" "Adding $FILE to IPFS..." + logit "INFO" "Adding $FILE to IPFS..." FILE_IPFS_HASH=$(ak-ipfs-add $FILE) if [ $? == 0 ]; then - logit "[INFO]" "Added $FILE to IPFS" + logit "INFO" "Added $FILE to IPFS" else - logit "[ERROR]" "Error in adding the $FILE to IPFS" + logit "ERROR" "Error in adding the $FILE to IPFS" fi - logit "[INFO]" "Signing..." + logit "INFO" "Signing..." SIGN_FILE=$FILENAME".asc" gpg2 --homedir $AK_GPGHOME --detach-sign --sign-with $AK_FINGERPRINT --armor --output $SIGN_FILE $FILE if [ $? == 0 ]; then - logit "[INFO]" "Signed" + logit "INFO" "Signed" else - logit "[ERROR]" "Error while signing" + logit "ERROR" "Error while signing" fi - logit "[INFO]" "Adding signature to IPFS" + logit "INFO" "Adding signature to IPFS" SIGNATURE=$(ak-ipfs-add $TEMPASSIN/$SIGN_FILE) if [ $? == 0 ]; then - logit "[INFO]" "Added" + logit "INFO" "Added" else - logit "[ERROR]" "Error while adding" + logit "ERROR" "Error while adding" fi cat > $TEMPASSIN/data <<EOF @@ -102,10 +102,10 @@ echo "Publishing..." } if [ ! -z $1 ]; then - case $1 in - help) _ak_modules_files_usage; exit;; - add) _ak_modules_files_add $2; exit;; - *) _ak_modules_files_usage; exit;; - esac + case $1 in + -h | --help) _ak_modules_files_usage; exit;; + add) _ak_modules_files_add $2; exit;; + *) _ak_modules_files_usage; exit;; + esac else _ak_modules_files_usage fi diff --git a/bin/ak-find-latest-mined-sblock b/bin/ak-find-latest-mined-sblock index b98214c..c3d9e33 100755 --- a/bin/ak-find-latest-mined-sblock +++ b/bin/ak-find-latest-mined-sblock @@ -4,18 +4,18 @@ cd $MINED_BLOCKS_DIR PROGRAM="$(basename $0)" declare -A counters logitnowint(){ - ak-logthis "<$PROGRAM>" "$1" "$2" + ak-logthis "$PROGRAM" "$1" "$2" } further(){ - # logitnowint "[INFO]" "Diving into $1" + # logitnowint "INFO" "Diving into $1" lookfor $1 } lookfor(){ - echo -n $1 | grep -e '[0-9a-f]\{128\}' > /dev/null + echo -n $1 | grep -e '[0-9a-f]\{128\}' > /dev/null if [ ! $? = 0 ] then - logitnowint "[ERROR]" "Oops!!! The argument passed, does not match the regular expression!" + logitnowint "ERROR" "Oops!!! The argument passed, does not match the regular expression!" else counters[$CHAIN_PARENT]="$(expr ${counters[$CHAIN_PARENT]} + 1)" if [ ! $? = 0 ] @@ -23,22 +23,22 @@ lookfor(){ echo "$1, $counters[$1]" exit 1 fi - logitnowint "[INFO]" "Accessing file: $1" + logitnowint "INFO" "Accessing file: $1" # echo "$1 file:" # cat "$1" | jq NEXT_TARGET="$(cat "$1" | jq | grep previous | tr -d ' ' | sed -e 's/previous//g; s/[",:]//g;')" if [ ! "$NEXT_TARGET" = "" ] then - logitnowint "[INFO]" "Found previous: $NEXT_TARGET" + logitnowint "INFO" "Found previous: $NEXT_TARGET" if [ ! -f "$NEXT_TARGET" ] then - logitnowint "[WARNING]" "Could not find $NEXT_TARGET" + logitnowint "WARNING" "Could not find $NEXT_TARGET" else further "$NEXT_TARGET" fi else - logitnowint "[WARNING]" "No next target found. So long for $1" + logitnowint "WARNING" "No next target found. So long for $1" fi fi } @@ -50,12 +50,12 @@ do # if [ ! "$p" = "" ] && [ ! "$p" = "tmplistblock" ] if [ "$(echo $p | tr -d '\n' | wc -c)" = 128 ] then - logitnowint "[INFO]" "Investigating $p..." + logitnowint "INFO" "Investigating $p..." export CHAIN_PARENT="$p" counters[$CHAIN_PARENT]=1 lookfor "$p" else - logitnowint "[WARNING]" "Nothing to do with $p" + logitnowint "WARNING" "Nothing to do with $p" fi done < tmplistblock rm tmplistblock @@ -68,7 +68,7 @@ do then max="${counters[${value}]}" max_holder="${value}" - logitnowint "[INFO]" "New MAX $max on $max_holder" + logitnowint "INFO" "New MAX $max on $max_holder" fi diff --git a/bin/ak-folders b/bin/ak-folders index 2a28dd9..280af2b 100755 --- a/bin/ak-folders +++ b/bin/ak-folders @@ -5,21 +5,24 @@ ZFOLDERSDIR="$AK_WORKDIR/folders" TEMP="/tmp/aktmp" logit(){ - ak-logthis "<$PROGRAM>" "$1" "$2" + ak-logthis "$PROGRAM" "$1" "$2" } if [ ! -d $ZFOLDERSDIR ]; then mkdir $ZFOLDERSDIR - cd $ZFOLDERSDIR + logit "ERROR" "error $ZFOLDERSDIR not found or/and could not be created" else - logit "[ERROR]" "error $ZFOLDERSDIR not found or/and could not be created" + logit "INFO" "Found $ZFOLDERSDIR" + exit 1 fi TEMPASSIN="$(ak-tempassin)" cd $TEMPASSIN _ak_modules_folders_usage(){ _ak_modules_folders_title - echo "$PROGRAM - folder" + echo "" + echo " -h, --help Show this message" + echo " add <folder> Try ak-folders add <folder>" } _ak_modules_folders_add(){ @@ -33,24 +36,24 @@ _ak_modules_folders_main(){ FOLDERNAME="$1" CRP="$2" echo "Adding $FOLDERNAME" - logit "[INFO]" "Copying $1 to temporary folder" + logit "INFO" "Copying $1 to temporary folder" cp -r $2/$1 $1 if [ $? == 0 ]; then - logit "[INFO]" "Copied successfully" + logit "INFO" "Copied successfully" else - logit "[ERROR]" "Error copying..." + logit "ERROR" "Error copying..." fi FOLDER="$1" - logit "[INFO]" "Adding $FOLDER to IPFS..." + logit "INFO" "Adding $FOLDER to IPFS..." FOLDER_IPFS_HASH=$(ak-ipfs-add $FOLDER) if [ $? == 0 ]; then - logit "[INFO]" "done" + logit "INFO" "done" else - logit "[ERROR]" "error" + logit "ERROR" "error" fi - logit "[WARNING]" "Folders are not signing..." + logit "WARNING" "Folders are not signing..." printf '{"timestamp":"%s","foldername":"%s","ipfs":"%s"}' $(date -u +%s) $FOLDERNAME $FOLDER_IPFS_HASH @@ -69,8 +72,7 @@ _ak_modules_folders_main(){ } _ak_modules_folders_title(){ - echo "$PROGRAM" - echo "Folder block creator" + echo "$PROGRAM - Folder block creator" } diff --git a/bin/ak-ipfs-add b/bin/ak-ipfs-add index 63862b7..4cedcec 100755 --- a/bin/ak-ipfs-add +++ b/bin/ak-ipfs-add @@ -5,6 +5,6 @@ PROGRAM="$(basename $0)" ipfs add -Qr "$1" if [ "$?" != "0" ] then - ak-logthis "<$PROGRAM>" "[ERROR]" "Failed to add $1" + ak-logthis "$PROGRAM" "ERROR" "Failed to add $1" exit 1 fi diff --git a/bin/ak-ipfs-block-stat b/bin/ak-ipfs-block-stat index 144523d..b049a70 100755 --- a/bin/ak-ipfs-block-stat +++ b/bin/ak-ipfs-block-stat @@ -3,6 +3,6 @@ PROGRAM="$(basename $0)" ipfs block stat "$1" if [ "$?" != "0" ] then - ak-logthis "<$PROGRAM>" "[ERROR]" "Failed to retrieve stat of block $1" + ak-logthis "$PROGRAM" "ERROR" "Failed to retrieve stat of block $1" exit 1 fi diff --git a/bin/ak-ipfs-cat b/bin/ak-ipfs-cat index d2415e4..2adf00e 100755 --- a/bin/ak-ipfs-cat +++ b/bin/ak-ipfs-cat @@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ PROGRAM="$(basename $0)" ipfs --timeout=10s cat $1 if [ "$?" -ne "0" ] then - ak-logthis "<$PROGRAM>" "[ERROR]" "Failed to cat $1" + ak-logthis "$PROGRAM" "ERROR" "Failed to cat $1" exit 1 fi diff --git a/bin/ak-ipfs-check b/bin/ak-ipfs-check index d54f5fc..30ebf4d 100755 --- a/bin/ak-ipfs-check +++ b/bin/ak-ipfs-check @@ -1,38 +1,38 @@ #!/bin/bash PROGRAM="$(basename $0)" logit(){ - ak-logthis "<$PROGRAM>" "$1" "$2" + ak-logthis "$PROGRAM" "$1" "$2" } ak-ipfs-files-ls /zarchive > /dev/null if [ $? != 0 ] then - logit "[ERROR]" "/zarchive is missing" -else - logit "[INFO]" "/zarchive OK" + logit "ERROR" "/zarchive is missing" +else + logit "INFO" "/zarchive OK" fi ak-ipfs-files-ls /zlatest > /dev/null if [ $? != 0 ] then - logit "[ERROR]" "/zlatest is missing" + logit "ERROR" "/zlatest is missing" else - logit "[INFO]" "/zlatest is OK" + logit "INFO" "/zlatest is OK" fi ak-ipfs-key-list | grep zchain > /dev/null if [ $? != 0 ]; then - logit "[WARNING]" "zchain key is missing" + logit "WARNING" "zchain key is missing" ak-ipfs-key-gen zchain > $ZCHAIN if [ $? != 0 ]; then - logit "[ERROR]" "zchain fails to create" + logit "ERROR" "zchain fails to create" else - logit "[INFO]" "zchain created" + logit "INFO" "zchain created" fi else - logit "[INFO]" "zchain is there" + logit "INFO" "zchain is there" fi ak-ipfs-key-list | grep ak-config > /dev/null @@ -40,10 +40,10 @@ if [ $? != 0 ]; then logit "WARNING" "ak-config key is missing" ak-ipfs-key-gen ak-config if [ $? != 0 ]; then - logit "[ERROR]" "ak-config fails to create" + logit "ERROR" "ak-config fails to create" else - logit "[INFO]" "ak-config created" + logit "INFO" "ak-config created" fi else - logit "[INFO]" "ak-config is there" + logit "INFO" "ak-config is there" fi diff --git a/bin/ak-ipfs-files-cp b/bin/ak-ipfs-files-cp index 6ae766e..37a878a 100755 --- a/bin/ak-ipfs-files-cp +++ b/bin/ak-ipfs-files-cp @@ -3,6 +3,6 @@ PROGRAM="$(basename $0)" ipfs files cp "$1" "$2" if [ "$?" != "0" ] then - ak-logthis "<$PROGRAM>" "[ERROR]" "Failed to copy $1 to $2" + ak-logthis "$PROGRAM" "ERROR" "Failed to copy $1 to $2" exit 1 fi diff --git a/bin/ak-ipfs-files-ls b/bin/ak-ipfs-files-ls index 26a3313..80fc899 100755 --- a/bin/ak-ipfs-files-ls +++ b/bin/ak-ipfs-files-ls @@ -3,6 +3,6 @@ PROGRAM="$(basename $0)" ipfs files ls "$1" if [ "$?" != "0" ] then - ak-logthis "<$PROGRAM>" "[ERROR]" "Failed to list $1" + ak-logthis "$PROGRAM" "ERROR" "Failed to list $1" exit 1 fi diff --git a/bin/ak-ipfs-files-mkdir b/bin/ak-ipfs-files-mkdir index 6406b33..d6f |