
This is a more descriptive text file regarding the previously mentioned modules
in the README file. While refactoring might be changing or work on its modules'
code, the most significant product of them is packing the actual data and
optionally other info or metadata about the data.

As also mentioned already in the README file, a block holds the "action", "data"
and "data_signature"[1] fields. Apart from the "data_signature" which is the
cryptographic signature of the publisher upon the "data" field, the "action"
field is a "reminder" to figure out which module produced the "data" field found
in the same block.

While the first grasping of the implementation was thought like "action" a not
implied but surely needed field was also the name of the module. To do that,
a divider of '/' was used to separate the value into two. The general rule is
that the "action" field should actually be formatted as "module/action". Also,
`ak enter` output makes that into two separate values. Grammatically speaking
the form of an action is like "subject/verb" where the implied object is the
"data" field.

Moreover, the "data" field will be a hash pointing to some object which should
be consisting of two fields at least: "ipfs" and "detach". The "ipfs" field is
containing a hash pointing to file while "detach" holds the detached signature
of the publisher against the file mentioned in the "ipfs" field.

Finally, modules are stored at your $AK_MODULESDIR directory which by default is
set to your $AK_WORKDIR/modules directory during install and can be executed as
command line tools like this:
ak -m <module> [arguments]

I think that all to it, so with no further delay let's move to the modules
coming with this repository!

## articles

Prototype - Adds an article to your ZCHAIN

It's supposed to be doing that, however the code is copied from the `news`
module which is stable in some extend but it has incorporated some shortcomings
and previously put thoughts into the module that are not considered to be at all
checked lately as for if it's working or not. In other words, use the `news`
module instead or make a PR if you happened to fix it.

## categories

Prototype - Adds or references categories to the ZCHAIN

It is also supposed to be doing that, haven't checked lately though. The idea to
create a category, a tag if you may or a label either in general to use later in
your ZCHAIN, or directly reference it to some other ZBLOCK. It is NOT thoroughly

## comments

References a comment to a ZBLOCK

That is indeed working! Commenting on ZBLOCKS with this module is using the 
`references` module to combine the ZBLOCK containing the comment and the ZBLOCK
hash that we comment upon.

## files

Adds a file to the ZCHAIN

It really does! Or did! Anyhow, the focus was then moved to `sm-files` and the
whole AKFS story which might be interesting to read.[2]

## folders

Prototype - Adds a folder to the ZCHAIN

This is a script serving as a note to implement this. The hard part is how you
can verify with a detached signature a whole folder. Also, "folder" should be
"directory" instead but all hyped about the `files` module, I just made a copy
of it to make the same but different. Only I don't remember doing that much
about it. Also also, see the `sm-files` and AKFS stories as well.

## mixtapes

Adds a mixtape to the ZCHAIN

That's the first module developed. Remember, arching kaos is about a radio
station. The point of this module is that whichever turn I turn to, this module
is the bare minimum of working. So good news, everyone! A fully functional
module. Below, the help message as seen when issuing the command:
$ ak -m mixtapes --help - AK mixtape block creator

The following creates a mixtape data message


 -a <artist> <title> <file>            Adds a file with tags artist and title

 -h , --help

 -s , --specs

As you can see the bare minimum for a module is indeed to add something to the
ZCHAIN. According to the arching-kaos-v1 non existing specification, the file
has to be an Ogg Vorbis file encoded around 128-192kbits. The file should be
around 1 hour with an upper limit to possibly 2 hours (which I propose now).

As we can not enforce mixtapes being exactly 1 hour or 2 hours, we could measure
the "hourly-limit" as ±15minues or even ±30minutes to loosen a check on duration
on further developing the module.

Note that such limits and/or checks do not happen. We blindly believe that the
mixtape in the ZBLOCK will indeed be an audio mix which is kinda hard to guard.
Also, in good faith, the module will be used by people that want to make this
kind of publications. If bad people were to publish something outside the
subject of the module, they would easily forge their own ZBLOCKS and spam[3]

## news

Adds a news article to the ZCHAIN

As mentioned already, unless you are skipping stuff, `news` is the second module
created. No, I didn't say that before. Anyhow, the `news` module was initially
a way to post news about the developments of the project. That happens from
times to times, but of course arching kaos wouldn't be that if everything was
kept together in a centralized manner. Long story, short, there are various
places to get your arching kaos related news. Second anyhow, that paragraph got

$ ak -m news --help - Module to read, create and add zblocks

   -h, --help                  Prints this help message

   -l, --local-index           Prints an indexed table of your news files

   -i, --import <file>         TODO

   -a, --add <file>            Creates a data file from the news file you
                               point to

   -r, --read <zblock>         Reads a zblock as a news data

   -c, --create                Vim is going to pop up, you will write and
                               save your newsletter and it's going to bei

   -s, --specs                 Print specs of data block

   -x, --html <zblock>         Returns an appropriate html element from a
                               NEWS zblock


So what you see here is that with text the thing got a bit more interesting.
Still `--import` is a TODO which I also wonder if it's the same with `--add`.

Good flags for sure are:
 - `--create`,
 - `--html`,
 - `--read`,
 - `--specs` and
 - `--local-index`

## profile

Adds key-value pairs to the ZCHAIN

Does what is says.
$ ak -m profile --help
ak-profile - Profile module

Indexes, shows, imports, adds, sets and gets values from and to the
zchain and files.


    -h, --help                      Prints this help message

    -i, --index                     Show current status

    --show <data IPFS CIDv0>        Show profile entry from specified DATA
                                    IPFS CIDv0

    -s, --set <property> <value>    Sets a profile value

    -g, --get <property>            Gets a profile value from the on-disk

Advanced (use with caution may produce duplicate entries):

    -a, --add <file>                Creates a data file from the profile file
                                    you point (file should already be in

    -i, --import <folder>           Import a folder to zchain #TODO

Good flags:
 - `--set`,
 - `--get` and
 - `--index`

## reference

Adds references to the ZCHAIN
$ ak -m reference --help - Quick description
All you need to know is that there are two options available:
-h, --help               Prints this help message
index                    Prints an indexed table of your references files
import <file>            #TODO
add <file>               Creates a data file from the references file you point to
create [ref] [to]        Vim is going to pop up, you will write and save your
                         referencesletter and it's going to be saved

Good flags:
 - `create`

## repositories

Adds repositories to the ZCHAIN

The way we handle repositories (git repositories to be clear) is with making a
bare clone of it and make an IPNS key for each of those. Since the first thought
several occured so, spoiler alert, at some point a `patch` module will happen.

$ ak -m repositories --help
-h, --help
index | add | publish | update

Far minimal approach on the usage screen hard to remember by heart.

TODO Research this code to figure out what I am actually doing
TODO Possibly it doesn't use `$AK_LIBDIR/_ak_script`

## roadmap

Prototype - Adds a roadmap to the ZCHAIN

The drive for that was trac, that enhanced wiki and issue tracker for software
development projects.

## transactions

Prototype of transactions in the ZCHAIN

No checks no nothings, it is like saying I give you 30. No unit, no check for
validity, nothing. This will be useful when SCHAIN is further developed.

## smfiles

Adds a split file's map to the ZCHAIN

So after the great success on `files` module, I started thinking about how files
are moving around into pieces all over the networks and media which are then
reconstructed into one single file.

$ ak-sm-files --help
ak-sm-files - file
  -h, --help              Prints this help message
  add <file>              Adds file to zchain as a zblock
  index                   List files
  full-index              List all files
  ls-map-files            List map files

As we can see, still...

TODO Possibly it doesn't use `$AK_LIBDIR/_ak_script`

Other than that, we see the 3 indexing options and the one `add` that would be
a prototype of the idea leading to AKFS. Really, go ahead and read that at some
point if you haven't already done so.

In other words, this module is in unknown state.

TODO Figure out maps for the AKFS files

## todos

Prototype - Adds todo list to the ZCHAIN

As you have already witnessed, prototype is another way of telling "will do" or
"here is an idea".

$ ak -m todos - Quick description

Brief description


   -h, --help        Prints this help message

   index             Prints an indexed table of your todos files

   import <file>     #TODO

   add <file>        Creates a data file from the todos file you point to

   create            Vim is going to pop up, you will write and save your
                     todosletter and it's going to be saved

## follow

Prototype - Follows something!

"Something" is completely accurate at this point as it is following nothing in
particular. The purpose of introducing it was to be able to add a "follow/add"
block to your chain, so in some sense to inform others that others exist too
and you "follow" them as in the "social media" terminology.

The place from which you are doing it though is vague. The first thought was to
have the `ak-config` IPNS key in the list. An update on that key would fetch you
the new latest of the zchain that this key point to, hence, being able to crawl
the latest version of it. That was mostly cause the 'ak-config' output would be
something like this:

  "profile": {
    "nickname": "someone",
  "genesis": "QmbFMke1KXqnYyBBWxB74N4c5SBnJMVAiMNRcGu6x1AwQH",
  "gpg": "42A...",
  "zchain": "k51q...",
  "zlatest": "Qm..."

Other than publishing that you follow or unfollow someone's ak-config IPNS key,
the module doesn't do anything else.

Privacy-wise, someone would not like to let others know what their follow list

## Notes
 - [1] "data_signature" is labeled as "detach" inside the block.
 - [2] README file mentions that the whole project is in experimental state, btw
 - [3] Read more at the NETWORKING file to understand how discoverability works