Arching Kaos Tools ================== Description ----------- Warning: this is a bunch of tools that may not make sense. :) This is an installable repo which provides various tools for running Arching Kaos and using it. Changes are mentioned in `git log` of the repo, as well as in ./CHANGELOG file. Requirements ------------ Some Linx machine which has installed bash or zsh, gpg, wget, curl, git and which. Other shells maybe are working. - bash (v5.1.8) or zsh (v5.8) - gpg (v2.3.4) - wget (v1.21.2) - curl (v7.79.1) - git (v2.34.1) - which (v2.21) - jq (v1.6) `json_pp` is also used put you cat remove it and change it with `jq` Clone ----- Write on your bash/zsh: ``` git clone ``` Install ------- ``` cd arching-kaos-tools sh ``` Update ------ ``` git pull ./ ``` Examples -------- ### Add a news article ( `news add` ) You could use ZCHAIN with NEWS model. Or MIXTAPE model, or make your own. ``` bash $ news create ``` This would pop up a vim editor for you to write a news article or whatever is text or markdown format with a title. Saving the file, will save it locally, add it to IPFS, sign it, pack detached signature with metadata on a JSON object. Then a block will be created packing your GPG public key, the news/add action with the JSON object and a detached signature of this, timestamp and finally an entry for the previous *zblock*. After that (!) we finally write this as a json object, add it to IPFS, sign it and pack a *zblock*. That, is published over our IPNS zchain key. Other options... let's try help! ``` console $ news help ak-news-cli -------------- #TODO All you need to know is that there are two options available: help Prints this help message index Prints an indexed table of your news files import <file> #TODO add <file> Creates a data file from the news file you point to create Vim is going to pop up, you will write and save your newsletter and it's going to be saved ``` Clearly there is a TODO item. Import is not working so avoid it, or fix it. Add is nice, you can add an already existing file directly. `news` is the second module after `mixtape`. Both modules need refactoring but they work at a level that someone can be productive with these tools. ### Explore chains ( `enter` ) You can view your zchain as a JSON object using `enter`. There are some flags in order to either view other zchains or change the depth of view ( includes or ignores data object and action ). ``` console $ enter -h enter - Crawl an arching kaos chain ----------------------------------- Usage: --help, -h Print this help and exit --chain <ipns-link>, -n <ipns-link> Crawl specified chain --show-zblocks-only, -z Show only zblocks --no-verify, -nV Don't verify signatures <ipfs-link> Specify IPFS CID for entrance Note that combined flags don't work for now Running with no flags crawls your chain ``` Podman (or Docker) ------------------ There is a ContainerFile that you can use to build an image which you can then deploy in a container. Use: ``` podman build -f ContainerFile -t arching-kaos-tools . ``` TODO ---- Next things to come are: - zblock manipulator to fix wrong previous block references and repack zblocks. - zchain rebase-like procedure to move the zblocks to another seed or set another previous block (e.g. join chains) - Clean up installation and filesystem usage - Log rotate to gzip archives - Filters for log searching for IPFS hashes or names - Use of IPFS file system to store/pin sub chains, previous chains or other chains Concepts under thought ---------------------- - Base chain, derived from personal ones. - Daemon to monitor chains' states, update and sign new zblocks. - Find a minimum agreement of what is valid or not. (important) - Spam defence (e.g. how to protect the network from abuse cases) (important) - Reduce size of all parts of chain (stringify JSON) (improvement)