Arching Kaos Tools

> Warning: The tools and the whole project is in an experimental state.
> Everything is subject to change.

> Hint: Find the "Script usage" section for sum up of the scripts

Tools that help you to create a blockchain called `zchain` by preparing small
JSON objects that are pointing one to another in the following way:
DATA = IPFS_CID + SIGNATURE ( + key-pair values that are based on ACTION )
Most of the times, IPFS_CID in DATA is expected to be a file. And the module
is responsible for handling it properly.

For the zchain to be valid, all the signatures must be verifiable against the
provided GPG key that is included in the BLOCK.

Previous developments
1. A proof of work blockchain is introduced to synchronize the zchains among
2. A miner prototype is introduced as well.
3. From a directory full of blocks, find the latest block of the longest chain
4. API for calling some of the bash scripts

This is an installable repository which provides various tools for running
Arching Kaos and using it.

Generic tools:
`ak-enter` - Can be used to crawl zchains.
`ak-zchain-rebase` - Can be used to rebase your zchain to a previous zblock.
`ak-zchain-reset` - Can be used to reset your zchain to zgenesis.

ACTION tools (modules):
`ak-mixtapes` and `news` - Can be used to add content to your zchain.
`ak-profile` - Can be used to build up a profile of the contributor.

Based on your GPG, zchain and other values provided by `profile`, you can create
with `akconfig` a pointer to some basic information that you can share with
others in order for them to crawl your zchain or view your "profile".

There are more tools available under the `bin` folder. Make sure you deeply
understand what they are doing before using them. 

Changes are mentioned in `git log` of the repo, as well as in CHANGELOG file.

Some Linux machine will propably work. It's tested under Fedora Linux. External
programs used are:

- bash (v5.1.8)
- gpg (v2.3.4)
- wget (v1.21.2)
- curl (v7.79.1)
- git (v2.34.1)
- which (v2.21)
- jq (v1.6)
- nodejs (v18.14)
- npm (v9.5.0)
- npx (v9.5.0)

How to install the repository

Write on your terminal:
git clone
cd arching-kaos-tools

If you encounter any errors, please open an issue.

For more extended description on the installation process, refer to `INSTALL`


Navigate to your cloned repository and execute the following commands:

git pull

Navigate to your cloned repository and execute the following command:

This will output an archive with your aknet-gpg-keyring to your $HOME folder.

It will NOT remove your IPFS repository, neither is going to clean it.


### Add a news article ( `ak-news add` )

You could use ZCHAIN with NEWS model. Or MIXTAPE model, or make your own.
``` bash
$ ak-news create

This would pop up a vim editor for you to write a news article or whatever is
text or markdown format with a title.

Saving the file, will save it locally, add it to IPFS, sign it, pack detached
signature with metadata on a JSON object. Then a block will be created packing
your GPG public key, the news/add action with the JSON object and a detached
signature of this, timestamp and finally an entry for the previous *zblock*.
After that, we finally write this as a JSON object, add it to IPFS, sign it
and pack a *ZBLOCK*. The ZBLOCK is then published over our IPNS zchain key.

Other options... let's try help! 

``` console
$ ak-news help
All you need to know is that there are two options available:
help            Prints this help message
index           Prints an indexed table of your news files
import <file>   #TODO
add <file>      Creates a data file from the news file you point to
create          Vim is going to pop up, you will write and save your
                  newsletter and it's going to be saved

Clearly there is a TODO item. Import is not working so avoid it, or fix it.
Add is nice, you can add an already existing file directly. `news` is the second
module after `mixtape`. Both modules need refactoring but they work at a level
that someone can be productive with these tools.  

### Explore chains ( `ak-enter` )

You can view your zchain as a JSON object using `enter`. There are some flags
in order to either view other zchains or change the depth of view ( includes or
ignores data object and action ).

``` console
$ ak-enter -h
ak-enter - Crawl an arching kaos chain
        --help, -h                              Print this help and exit
        --chain <ipns-link>, -n <ipns-link>     Crawl specified chain
        --show-zblocks-only, -z                 Show only zblocks
        --no-verify, -nV                        Don't verify signatures
        <ipfs-link>                             Specify IPFS CID for entrance

Note that combined flags don't work for now
Running with no flags crawls your chain

Podman (or Docker)

There is a ContainerFile that you can use to build an image which you can then
deploy in a container.


podman build -f ContainerFile -t arching-kaos-tools .


Next things to come are:
- [ ] - zblock manipulator to fix wrong previous block references and repack
- [X] - zchain rebase-like procedure to move the zblocks to another seed or set
        another previous block (e.g. join chains)
- [ ] - Clean up installation and filesystem usage
- [ ] - Log rotate to gzip archives
- [ ] - Filters for log searching for IPFS hashes or names
- [ ] - Use of IPFS file system to store/pin sub chains, previous chains or
        other chains

Concepts under thought

- Base chain, derived from personal ones.
- Daemon to monitor chains' states, update and sign new zblocks.
- Find a minimum agreement of what is valid or not. (important)
- Spam defence (e.g. how to protect the network from abuse cases) (important)
- Reduce size of all parts of chain (stringify JSON) (improvement)

Script usage

ak-calculate-size       # Calculates the overall size of your ZCHAIN
ak-clean                # Cleans up temporary folders created by these tools
ak-config               # Publish your configuration to IPNS
ak-data-expand          # Expands and verifies DATA blocks
ak-enter                # Crawls ZCHAINS
ak-node-info            # Returns IPFS CID or IPNS key for your online config
ak-get-chain-minified   # Obsolete, ak-enter default output
ak-get-gpg              # Return your GPG key as IPFS CID
ak-get-zlatest          # Returns zlatest ZBLOCK according to IPFS FS
ak-tempassin            # Creates temporary directories

ak-logfollow    # Tails the log file
ak-logthis      # Logs a message to the log file

Schain tools
ak-mempool                      # TODO
ak-miner-script                 # Prototype miner
ak-network                      # in the works
ak-show_sblock                  # Returns a mined SBLOCK
ak-find-latest-mined-sblock     # In a hay of SBLOCKS finds the latest

Network scouting
ak-stellar-get-participants     # Returns a list of stellar address trusting ARCHINGKAOS

ak-articles                 PROTO Adds an article to your ZCHAIN
ak-categories               PROTO Adds or references categories to the ZCHAIN
ak-comments                     # References a comment to a ZBLOCK
ak-files                        # Adds a file to the ZCHAIN
ak-folders                  PROTO Adds a folder to the ZCHAIN
ak-mixtapes                     # Adds a mixtape to the ZCHAIN
ak-news                         # Adds a news article to the ZCHAIN
ak-profile                      # Adds key-value pairs to the ZCHAIN
ak-reference                    # Adds references to the ZCHAIN
ak-repositories                 # Adds repositories to the ZCHAIN
ak-roadmap                  PROTO Adds a roadmap to the ZCHAIN 
ak-transactions                 # Prototype of transactions in the ZCHAIN
ak-sm-files                     # Adds a split file's map to the ZCHAIN
ak-todos                    PROTO Adds todo list to the ZCHAIN

Public following (uses ak-profile module)
ak-follow       # Follow something
ak-following    # List your follows
ak-unfollow     # Unfollow something

Zblock tools
ak-zblock-cache         # Caches a whole zblock as it would be done by ak-enter
ak-zblock-manipulator   # TODO
ak-zblock-show          # Shows a specified ZBLOCK
ak-pack_z_block         # Creates and publishes a ZBLOCK (used by modules)

Zchain tools
ak-zchain-chk     # TODO
ak-zchain-rebase  # Rebases ZCHAIN to specified ZBLOCK
ak-zchain-reset   # Resets ZCHAIN to GENESIS
ak-zchain-extract-cids          # Retuns CIDs from a zchain

File splitters
ak-sm-filejoiner            # Joins a file from a map
ak-sm-filesplitter          # Splits a file to chunks and creates a map
ak-sm-merkle-tree           # Splits a file to merkle tree and returns the root
ak-sm-merkle-tree-to-file   # Joins a file from a merkle root

IPFS Wrappers

Not completed or just odd
ak2html                                             # TODO
ak-get-ipfs-hashes-from-my-zchain                   # Retuns CIDs of "ipfs" DATA
ak-get-only-ipfs-key-values-from-our-or-a-zchain    # Retuns CIDs of "ipfs" DATA
ak-get-only-ipfs-key-values-from-our-zchain         # Retuns CIDs of "ipfs" DATA



Setting `AK_DEBUG` shell variable to `"yes"` will make all log messages to
appear on your stderr (file descriptor 2). After setting this variable, run the
tools you want.

``` console

AK_DEBUG="yes"; ak-enter -l 1
