/* * After NS validation went through we examine the return code * of the application that run the test. * * Returns: * - errno on failure * - on success we process with addNSEntriesToFile() * */ function continuethingsNS(validitycode,sh,res,gotit){ if (validitycode === 0){ var entry = { zchain: sh, latest: JSON.parse(gotit).Path.replace('/ipfs/','') }; addNSEntriesToFile(entry,res); } else { res.send({errno:"Invalid data"}); } } /* * Accepts a zchain * * Checks: * 1. Exists, * 2. Length is 62 bytes, * 3. Matches regular expression /k51qzi5uqu5d[A-Za-z0-9]{50}/ * * Returns: * - errno on failure * - on success the string is processed for further validation to the * function getNSvalidity() * */ const getNSvalidity = require('../../validators/ZchainValidator') module.exports = (req, res) => { if ( (req.body.zchain) && req.body.zchain.length === 62 ){//&& req.body.block_signature.length === 46){ regex= /k51qzi5uqu5d[A-Za-z0-9]{50}/ if (regex.test(req.body.zchain)){ // && regex.test(req.body.block_signature)){ getNSvalidity(req.body.zchain,res); } else { res.send({errno:"Invalid data"}); } } else { res.send({errno:"Invalid data"}); } }