#!/bin/bash # ak-enter # # Using this tool, we can seek a whole zchain, if available from # an IPFS CID or an IPNS link. # # Default (no arguments) will retrieve the local ZCHAIN starting # from the IPFS CID stored in the file that is tracked by the # $AK_ZLATEST environment variable. # # ak-enter [-n IPNS_LINK] # ak-enter [IPFS CID] # ak-enter -N # ak-enter -h # ak-enter # # Returns a JSON array representing the chain retrieved. # Logs messages to $LOGSFILE. PROGRAM="$(basename $0)" source $AK_LIBDIR/logit usage(){ echo "$PROGRAM - Crawl an arching kaos chain" echo "-----------------------------------" echo "$PROGRAM [-N | --no-verify] [-l | --limit <number>] [zblock]" echo "$PROGRAM [-N | --no-verify] [-l | --limit <number>] -n <zchain>" echo "Usage:" echo " --help, -h Print this help and exit" echo " --chain <ipns-link>, -n <ipns-link> Crawl specified chain" echo " --no-verify, -N Don't verify signatures" echo " <ipfs-link> Specify IPFS CID for entrance" echo "" echo "Note that combined flags don't work for now" echo "Running with no flags crawls your chain based on AK_ZLATEST environment variable" exit 2 } isIPFSv0 () { if [ -z $1 ] || [ "$1" != "" ] then echo $1 | grep -e 'Qm.\{44\}' > /dev/null if [ "$?" -ne 0 ] then logit "ERROR" "Argument provided was not an IPFS CIDv0 string" exit 1 fi else exit 1 fi } # Start of tests #entrance="QmW5WVXCJfhb4peHG6cbEdamC24vZzMX2Vz386vpENh38U" #entrance="QmNjQq7GkuXGF8kFT1z2Mv3i4JhY7sBXVUmHDiR1zkQjoE" #entrance="QmbFMke1KXqnYyBBWxB74N4c5SBnJMVAiMNRcGu6x1AwQH" # End of tests entrance="$(cat $AK_ZLATEST)" verify=1 limit=0 fromIpns=0 while [ "$#" ]; do case "$1" in -h | --help) usage ;; -l | --limit) limit=$2 shift 2 ;; -N | --no-verify) verify=0 shift ;; -n | --chain | --ipns) fromIpns=1 ipns=$1 shift ol=$1 entrance="$(ak-ipns-resolve $1)" if [ "$?" -ne 0 ] then logit "ERROR" "Could not resolve IPNS name" exit 1 fi shift ;; *) test="$1" if [ ! -z "$test" ] && [ "$fromIpns" == "0" ] then isIPFSv0 "$test" entrance="$test" elif [ -z "$entrance" ] && [ "$fromIpns" == "1" ] then entrance="$(cat $AK_ZLATEST)" fi break esac done # We assign the IPFS CIDv0 of an empty file as this is used # as our GENESIS block, hence the "seed" that the tree grows # from. seed="$(cat $AK_ZGENESIS)" # We assume that we found the entrance inside a block, hence # ZBLOCK is labeled as previous zblock="$entrance" # Enter temp folder TEMPASSIN="$(ak-tempassin)" cd $TEMPASSIN counter=0 # The loop # We break the loop from inside the loop while true && [ $limit="0" ] do if [ $counter == 0 ] then echo -n '[' fi counter=$(expr $counter + 1) # Check if $zblock exists as variable if [ ! -v $zblock ] then # Check if it is not our seed cause if it is we skip this part if [ "$zblock" != "$seed" ] then # Reset timestamp since it's introduced later timestamp='' # Announce to logs which ZBLOCK is being read at the moment logit "INFO" "Examining $zblock" isIPFSv0 "$zblock" # We check if any $zblock at all ak-ipfs-cat $zblock | jq -c -M > $AK_ZBLOCKDIR/$zblock if [ "$?" -ne 0 ] then logit "ERROR" "ZBLOCK $zblock READ failed" exit 1 fi logit "INFO" "ZBLOCK $zblock READ" echo -n '{' # echo -n '"id":"'$counter'",' echo -n '"zblock":"'$zblock'",' # If it's JSON formated cat $AK_ZBLOCKDIR/$zblock | jq -M > /dev/null 2>&1 if [ "$?" -ne 0 ] then logit "ERROR" "ZBLOCK $zblock is not JSON" cat /dev/null > $AK_ZBLOCKDIR/$zblock > /dev/null 2>&1 exit 1 fi logit "INFO" "ZBLOCK $zblock is JSON" # Be sure that there are the expected values # We need 'block' and 'block_signature' inside a 'zblock' # Exit if any is missing block="$(cat $AK_ZBLOCKDIR/$zblock | jq -M -r .block)" if [ "$block" == "null" ] then logit "ERROR" "ZBLOCK $zblock has no block" exit 1 fi isIPFSv0 "$block" logit "INFO" "ZBLOCK $zblock has block" block_signature="$(cat $AK_ZBLOCKDIR/$zblock | jq -M -r .block_signature)" if [ "$block_signature" == "null" ] then logit "ERROR" "ZBLOCK $zblock doesn't contain a block_signature" exit 1 fi isIPFSv0 "$block_signature" logit "INFO" "ZBLOCK $zblock contains a block_signature" # Same as above applies to BLOCK and DATA subparts of each ZBLOCK # BLOCKS echo -n '"block":"'$block'",' ak-ipfs-cat $block | jq -c -M > $AK_BLOCKDIR/$block cat $AK_BLOCKDIR/$block | jq -M > /dev/null 2>&1 if [ "$?" -ne 0 ] then logit "ERROR" "BLOCK $block READ failed" exit 1 fi grep -e 'timestamp' -e 'gpg' -e 'data' -e 'action' -e 'detach' -e 'previous' $AK_BLOCKDIR/$block > /dev/null 2>&1 if [ "$?" -ne 0 ] then logit "ERROR" "BLOCK $block is NOT a valid block" exit 1 fi logit "INFO" "BLOCK $block is a block" action="$(cat $AK_BLOCKDIR/$block | jq -M -r .action)" module="$(echo $action | sed -e 's/\// /g' | awk '{ print $1 }')" logit "INFO" "DATA is $module module." command="$(echo $action | sed -e 's/\// /g' | awk '{ print $2 }')" logit "INFO" "COMMAND is $command" timestamp="$(cat $AK_BLOCKDIR/$block | jq -M -r .timestamp)" if [ "$timestamp" != "null" ] then echo -n '"timestamp":"'$timestamp'",' fi echo -n '"block_signature":"'$block_signature'",' detach="$(cat $AK_BLOCKDIR/$block | jq -M -r .detach)" echo -n '"detach":"'$detach'",' echo -n '"module":"'$module'",' echo -n '"action":"'$command'",' gpg="$(cat $AK_BLOCKDIR/$block | jq -M -r .gpg)" echo -n '"gpg":"'$gpg'",' if [ $verify == 1 ] then ak-ipfs-get $gpg > /dev/null 2>&1 if [ "$?" -ne 0 ] then logit "ERROR" "Could not get GPG key: $gpg ." exit 1 fi gpg2 --homedir $AK_GPGHOME --import $gpg > /dev/null 2>&1 if [ "$?" -ne 0 ] then logit "ERROR" "Could not import GPG key: $gpg ." exit 1 fi ak-ipfs-get $block_signature > /dev/null 2>&1 if [ "$?" -ne 0 ] then logit "ERROR" "Error while getting $block_signature for $block" exit 1 fi mv $block_signature $block.asc logit "INFO" "Block signature downloaded" ak-ipfs-get $block > /dev/null 2>&1 if [ "$?" -ne 0 ] then logit "ERROR" "Could not get $block block" exit 1 fi logit "INFO" "Downloaded block $block." gpg2 --homedir $AK_GPGHOME --verify $block.asc > /dev/null 2>&1 if [ "$?" -ne 0 ] then logit "ERROR" "Could not verify $block with GPG key $gpg." exit 1 fi logit "GPG" "$gpg signature of $block is verified." fi data="$(cat $AK_BLOCKDIR/$block | jq -M -r .data)" isIPFSv0 "$data" ak-data-expand $data $gpg if [ "$?" -ne 0 ] then logit "ERROR" "Failed on data signature verification [data: $data, gpg: $gpg, zblock: $zblock]" exit 1 fi # DATA # Only print to stdout # ak-ipfs-cat $data touch $AK_DATADIR/$data # Now, since we sourced the BLOCK to our terminal, we can search # for $previous variable. In case we don't find one, we append one # and we exit. previous="$(cat $AK_BLOCKDIR/$block | jq -M -r .previous)" if [ -v $previous ] then logit "WARNING" "Block $block has no previous zblock, appending pseudo genesis to exit with 2." echo -n '"previous":"genesis"},{"genesis":"genesis"}]' logit "INFO" "Reached pseudo-genesis, counted $counter zblocks." exit 2 # Otherwise, we inform of the sequence else #echo "$zblock after $previous" logit "INFO" "Found a previous block for $zblock: $previous" echo -n '"previous":"'$previous'"}' zblock=$previous fi if [ "$limit" != "0" ] && [ "$limit" == "$counter" ] then echo -n ']' exit 0 else echo -n ',' fi # Now check if it is equal to the seed # which apparently means we reached the seed. elif [ "$zblock" == "$seed" ] then echo -n '{"genesis":"genesis"}]' logit "INFO" "Reached $seed, counted $counter zblocks." exit 0 fi # And finally, if nothing is there exit with error else echo "Check not passed... No previous IPFS CID" exit 1 fi done