#!/usr/bin/env bash
## It is a minimal wrapper aroung lib/_ak_gpg.
## Usage:
##    -h, --help                          Prints this help message
##    --get-key-self-as-ipfs              Returns your key as an IPFS hash
##    --get-key-self-as-fingerprint       Returns the fingerprint of your key
##    --get-key-fingerprint-from-ipfs     Returns the fingerprint of a given key
##    --export-key-self-to-file           Exports self public key as 'self.pub'
##    --clear-sign <file> <output>        Sign a file clearly
##    --verify-file <file>                Verify a clear signed file
##    -l, --list-keys                     Returns a list of known GPG keys
##    -lp, --list-keys-plain              Returns a list of known GPG keys as
##                                        plain GPG output
##    -ll, --list-keys-long               Returns a list of known GPG keys with
##                                        their 1st uid
##    -ls, --list-secret-keys             Returns a list of secret GPG keys
##    -lsp, --list-secret-keys-plain      Returns a list of secret GPG keys as
##                                        plain GPG output
##    -lsl, --list-secret-keys-long       Returns a list of secret GPG keys with
##                                        their 1st uid
##    -c, --create-key <email>            Creates a GPG key with a label <email>
##    -s, --select-key                    Selects the GPG key you want to use
##    -d, --delete-key                    Delete GPG keys from your keyring
##    -ds, --delete-secret-key <fingerprint>
##                                        Delete GPG keys from your keyring
fullprogrampath="$(realpath $0)"
PROGRAM=$(basename $0)
descriptionString="GPG cli tool"

# At least these
source $AK_LIBDIR/_ak_log
source $AK_LIBDIR/_ak_script
source $AK_LIBDIR/_ak_gpg

# Flags to run
if [ ! -z $1 ]; then
    case $1 in
        -h | --help) _ak_usage; exit;;
        --example) example; exit;;
        --get-key-self-as-ipfs) _ak_gpg_key_self_get_fingerprint_from_config; exit;;
        --get-key-self-as-fingerprint) _ak_gpg_key_self_get_fingerprint; exit;;
        --get-key-fingerprint-from-ipfs) _ak_gpg_key_get_fingerprint_from_ipfs $1; exit;;
        --export-key-self-to-file) _ak_gpg_key_self_export 'self.pub'; exit;;
        --clear-sign) shift; _ak_gpg_sign_clear "$2" "$1"; exit;;
        --verify-file) shift; _ak_gpg_verify_clear_signature "$1"; exit;;
        --list-keys | -l) _ak_gpg_list_keys; exit;;
        --list-keys-long | -ll) _ak_gpg_list_keys_long; exit;;
        --list-keys-plain | -lp) _ak_gpg_list_keys_plain; exit;;
        --list-secret-keys | -ls) _ak_gpg_list_secret_keys; exit;;
        --list-secret-keys-long | -lsl) _ak_gpg_list_secret_keys_long; exit;;
        --list-secret-keys-plain | -lsp) _ak_gpg_list_secret_keys_plain; exit;;
        --create-key | -c) shift; _ak_gpg_create_key $1; exit;;
        --select-key | -s) _ak_gpg_select_key; exit;;
        --delete-key | -d) _ak_gpg_delete_key; exit;;
        --delete-secret-key | -ds) shift; _ak_gpg_delete_secret_key $1; exit;;
        * ) _ak_usage;;
else _ak_usage