## Used to overview, archive or append to the log file
## Usage:
##    -h, --help                  Prints this help message
##    -f, --follow                Follows the log file as its appended with new
##                                messages
##    -m, --message <program> <type> <message>
##                                Adds a log message to the log
##    -r, --rotate                Cleans up log files after archiving them
##    -g, --grep                  Select a script to view only logs from that
fullprogrampath="$(realpath $0)"
PROGRAM=$(basename $0)
descriptionString="Log file handler"

# At least these
source $AK_LIBDIR/_ak_log
source $AK_LIBDIR/_ak_script

# Your stuff here...
    echo "Example"

# Flags to run
if [ ! -z $1 ]; then
    case $1 in
        -h | --help) _ak_usage; exit;;
        -f | --follow) _ak_log_follow; exit;;
        -g | --grep) _ak_log_grep; exit;;
        -m | --message) shift; _ak_log_message $*; exit;;
        -r | --rotate) _ak_log_rotate; exit;;
        * ) _ak_usage;;
else _ak_usage