#!/bin/bash # TODO GPG/PGP setup:: possibly done # eg gpg2 --full-key-generate and/or gpg2 --set-default key # or just question the user if they are going to use their # existing one if any. ak_gpg_check_or_create(){ gpg2 --homedir $AK_GPGHOME --list-keys | grep kaos@kaos.kaos -1 if [ "$?" -ne "0" ] then gpg2 --homedir $AK_GPGHOME --batch --passphrase '' --quick-key-gen kaos@kaos.kaos rsa3072 sign 0 AK_FINGERPRINT="$(gpg2 --homedir $AK_GPGHOME --list-keys | grep kaos@kaos.kaos -1 | head -n 1 | awk '{print $1}')" gpg2 --homedir $AK_GPGHOME --batch --passphrase '' --quick-add-key $AK_FINGERPRINT rsa3072 encrypt 0 fi } ipfs_zarchive_check_or_mkdir(){ printf "Checking for /zarchive in IPFS FS..." ipfs files ls /zarchive > /dev/null 2>&1 if [ $? != 0 ]; then ipfs files mkdir /zarchive > /dev/null 2>&1 if [ $? != 0 ]; then printf "\tError!\n" exit 1 else printf "\tCreated!\n" fi else printf "\tFound\n" fi } ipfs_zlatest_check_or_create(){ printf "Looking for /zlatest..." ipfs files stat /zlatest > /dev/null 2>&1 if [ $? != 0 ]; then ipfs files cp /ipfs/$(cat $AK_ZGENESIS) /zlatest if [ $? != 0 ]; then printf "\tProblem copying %s to /zlatest!\n" "$AK_ZGENESIS" exit 1 else printf "\tSuccess!\n" fi else printf "\tFound!\n" fi } printf "Initialization started... \n" ak_gpg_check_or_create if [[ -f $AK_ZGENESIS ]] ; then printf "%s" "$(ipfs add -q $AK_GENESIS)" > $AK_ZGENESIS;fi if [[ ! -f $AK_ZCHAIN ]] ; then printf "%s" "$(ipfs key gen zchain)" > $AK_ZCHAIN;fi if [[ ! -f $AK_ZLATEST ]] ; then cp $AK_ZGENESIS $AK_ZLATEST;fi if [[ ! -f $AK_ZCHAINASC ]] ; then gpg2 --homedir $AK_GPGHOME -bao $AK_ZCHAINASC $AK_ZCHAIN;fi if [[ ! -f $AK_ZZCHAIN ]] ; then printf "%s" "$(ipfs add -q $AK_ZCHAINASC)" > $AK_ZZCHAIN;fi if [[ ! -f $AK_GENESISASC ]] ; then gpg2 --homedir $AK_GPGHOME -bao $AK_GENESISASC $AK_GENESIS;fi if [[ ! -f $AK_ZGENESISASC ]] ; then printf "%s" "$(ipfs add -q $AK_GENESISASC)" > $AK_ZGENESISASC;fi ipfs_zarchive_check_or_mkdir ipfs_zlatest_check_or_create # TODO The thing is done, we are sitting on a genesis. # We also have an IPNS name to use. # Find scripts and create symlinks binfiles=$(ls -1 $(pwd)/bin) for b in $binfiles do if [[ ! -L $AK_BINDIR/$b ]] then printf "Creating symlink to %s..." "$b" ln -s $(pwd)/bin/$b $AK_BINDIR/$b if [ "$?" -ne "0" ] then if [ -L $AK_BINDIR/$b ] then printf "\tAlready exists!\n" exit 1 fi printf "\tFailed!\n" exit 1 fi printf "\tOK!\n" fi done