#!/usr/bin/env bash clear printf "Arching Kaos Tools Installer\n" printf "============================\n" printf "Welcome to our ever involving installer\n" printf "We will be as verbose as possible, yet minimal\n" printf "Our default behaviour is to ask the less is needed\n" printf "\n" printf "For minimum overall friction, we will ask sudo access only if it's\n" printf "needed for a missing package.\n" printf "\n" printf "We discourage running the installer with sudo.\n" printf "\n" printf "Installation starts in..." countdown=5 printf " %s" "$countdown" countdown="$(expr $countdown - 1)" sleep 1 while [ $countdown -gt 0 ] do if [ $countdown -lt 10 ] then printf "\b\b %s" "$countdown" else printf "\b\b%s" "$countdown" fi countdown="$(expr $countdown - 1)" sleep 1 done printf "\b\b starting!!!" sleep 1 printf "\n" packageManager="" installCommand="" dontAskFlag="" checkPkgManager(){ declare -a pkgmanagers=("dnf" "apt" "zypper" "pacman" "apk") printf "Searching for package manager..." for pkgm in "${pkgmanagers[@]}" do printf "? ${pkgm}" which $pkgm 2> /dev/null 1>&2 if [ $? -eq 0 ] then printf '\tFound %s\n' "$pkgm" packageManager="$(which $pkgm)" installCommand="install" dontAskFlag="-y" break fi done if [ "$packageManager" == "" ] then printf "Could not find package manager\n" printf "In case you missing a package, you will be informed to install \ it manually.\n" fi } checkPkgManager sudoBin="sudo" checkIfSudoAvailable(){ which sudo 2> /dev/null 1>&2 if [ $? -ne 0 ] then sudoBin="" fi } checkIfSudoAvailable # Depedencies check and install declare -a depedencies=("curl" "bash" "jq" "npm" "gpg" "git" "make" "screen" "gpg-agent") for dep in "${depedencies[@]}" do printf "Checking for %s..." "$dep" which $dep 2> /dev/null 1>&2 if [ $? -ne 0 ] then printf "\t Not found!" if [ "$dep" == "npm" ] then curl -o nvm_installer.sh https://raw.githubusercontent.com/nvm-sh/nvm/v0.40.1/install.sh if [ $? -ne 0 ] then printf "\t Failed to download!\n" exit 1 fi printf "\t Downloaded!" bash nvm_installer.sh if [ $? -ne 0 ] then printf "\t Failed to install nvm!\n" exit 1 fi printf "\t nvm installed!" printf "\t Installing latest nodejs..." export NVM_DIR="$([ -z "${XDG_CONFIG_HOME-}" ] && printf %s "${HOME}/.nvm" || printf %s "${XDG_CONFIG_HOME}/nvm")" [ -s "$NVM_DIR/nvm.sh" ] && \. "$NVM_DIR/nvm.sh" # This loads nvm nvm install $(nvm ls-remote|tail -n 1) if [ $? -ne 0 ] then printf "\t Failed to install nodejs!\n" exit 1 fi printf "\t nodejs installed!\n" elif [ "$packageManager" != "" ] then printf "\t Attempting installation..." $sudoBin $packageManager $installCommand $dontAskFlag $dep > /dev/null 2>&1 if [ $? -ne 0 ] then printf "\t Failed to install!\n" exit 1 fi printf "\t installed!\n" else printf "\t Don't know how to install!\n\nInstall $dep manually!\n" exit 1 fi else printf "\t Found!\n" fi done # Work-around for gpg2 calls on distros that don't provide a link which gpg2 if [ $? -ne 0 ] then which gpg if [ $? -eq 0 ] then $sudoBin ln -s `which gpg` /usr/bin/gpg2 fi fi source ./config.sh printf "%s" $(pwd) > wam WHEREAMI="$(cat wam)" if [ ! -d $AK_WORKDIR ] then mkdir $AK_WORKDIR else printf "Error: Found %s.\n" "$AK_WORKDIR" printf "Please back up your previous installation\n" printf "and rerun ./install.sh.\n" exit 5 fi if [ ! -d $AK_CONFIGDIR ] ; then mkdir $AK_CONFIGDIR ;fi if [ ! -d $AK_BINDIR ]; then mkdir $AK_BINDIR ;fi if [ ! -d $AK_SETTINGS ]; then mkdir $AK_SETTINGS ;fi if [ ! -d $AK_LIBDIR ]; then mkdir $AK_LIBDIR ;fi if [ ! -d $AK_MODULESDIR ]; then mkdir $AK_MODULESDIR ;fi if [ ! -d $AK_ZBLOCKDIR ]; then mkdir $AK_ZBLOCKDIR ;fi if [ ! -d $AK_BLOCKDIR ]; then mkdir $AK_BLOCKDIR ;fi if [ ! -d $AK_DATADIR ]; then mkdir $AK_DATADIR ;fi if [ ! -d $AK_ARCHIVESDIR ]; then mkdir $AK_ARCHIVESDIR ;fi if [ ! -f $AK_LOGSFILE ]; then touch $AK_LOGSFILE ;fi if [ ! -f $AK_GENESIS ]; then touch $AK_GENESIS;fi if [ ! -d $AK_MINEDBLOCKSDIR ]; then mkdir $AK_MINEDBLOCKSDIR; fi if [ ! -f $AK_ZBLOCKSFILE ]; then touch $AK_ZBLOCKSFILE; fi if [ ! -f $AK_ZPAIRSFILE ]; then touch $AK_ZPAIRSFILE; fi if [ ! -d $AK_CACHEDIR ]; then mkdir $AK_CACHEDIR; fi if [ ! -d $AK_GPGHOME ]; then mkdir $AK_GPGHOME && chmod 700 -R $AK_GPGHOME; fi if [ ! -d $AK_CHUNKSDIR ]; then mkdir -p $AK_CHUNKSDIR; fi if [ ! -d $AK_LEAFSDIR ]; then mkdir -p $AK_LEAFSDIR; fi if [ ! -d $AK_MAPSDIR ]; then mkdir -p $AK_MAPSDIR; fi touch $AK_WORKDIR/logs logthis(){ echo "Install script: $1" >> $AK_WORKDIR/logs } HAK=".arching-kaos" logthis "Searching for $HAK folder and files" if [ ! -d $HOME/$HAK ]; then mkdir $HOME/$HAK logthis "$HAK created in $HOME"; fi logthis "Searching for rc" if [ ! -f $HOME/$HAK/rc ]; then echo export PATH=$PATH:$HOME/$HAK/bin > $HOME/$HAK/rc cat config.sh >> $HOME/$HAK/rc logthis "New rc export to file"; fi logthis "Searching for shell" if [ $SHELL == "/usr/bin/zsh" ] then SHELLRC=".zshrc" logthis "ZSH found"; elif [ $SHELL == "/usr/bin/bash" ] then SHELLRC='.bashrc' logthis "BASH found"; else logthis "Unknown shell... defaulting to bash" SHELLRC='.bashrc' fi logthis "Searching if rc is already there" grep "source $HOME/$HAK/rc" $HOME/$SHELLRC > /dev/null 2>&1 if [ $? -eq 0 ] then logthis "Already installed"; else echo "source $HOME/$HAK/rc" >> $HOME/$SHELLRC logthis "$HAK installed at $HOME and sourced it in $SHELLRC" source $HOME/$HAK/rc; fi bash update.sh bash ipfs-check-install-setup-init-update source ./config.sh source $HOME/$SHELLRC bash init.sh cd api npm i cd .. make if [ $? -ne 0 ] then printf 'Building API daemon failed\n' exit 1 fi ln -s $WHEREAMI/build/ak-daemon $AK_BINDIR/ak-daemon