#!/bin/bash source $AK_LIBDIR/_ak_log source $AK_LIBDIR/_ak_ipfs cjdnstoolspath="$HOME/cjdns/tools" _ak_network_stellar_show_ids(){ i=0 flag=0 while [ "$i" -lt "$limit" ] do test="$(cat $tempfile | jq '.["_embedded"]' | jq .'["records"]' | jq '.['$i']' | jq '.["id"]' | sed -e 's/\"//g')" while IFS="" read -r p || [ -n "$p" ] do if [ "$p" == "$test" ] then flag=1 break fi done < $stellarParticipants if [ "$flag" == "0" ] then echo $test >> $stellarParticipants _ak_log_info "Added $test" else _ak_log_info "$test already there. Skipping..." fi i="$(expr $i + 1)" done } _ak_network_stellar_get_next_page(){ cat $tempfile | jq -r '._links.next.href' # cat $tempfile | grep -1 next | grep https | sed -e 's/^.*https/https/' | sed -e 's/\u0026/\&/g; s/"//g; s/\\//g' } _ak_network_stellar_proceed_to_next_page(){ nextURL="$(_ak_network_stellar_get_next_page)" curl \ --connect-timeout 3 \ "$nextURL" > $tempfile 2>/dev/null } _ak_network_stellar_get_asset_holders(){ if [ ! -z $1 ] && [ $1 -gt 0 ] && [ -n "$1" ] then limit=$1 else limit=3 fi curl \ --connect-timeout 3 \ https://horizon.stellar.org/accounts\?asset\=ARCHINGKAOS:GB4QVKD6NW3CSNO5TNPARAWNPPXOPSSTKB35XCWB7PUNBIQTK3DVELB2\&limit\=$limit > $tempfile 2>/dev/null } _ak_network_scan_stellar(){ tempdir=`_ak_make_temp_directory` tempfile="$tempdir/tmp" tempaddr="$tempdir/tmpaddr" stellarParticipants="$AK_WORKDIR/stellar-network-participants" stellarParticipantsOnline="$AK_WORKDIR/stellar-network-participants-online" if [ ! -f "$stellarParticipants" ] then touch $stellarParticipants fi if [ ! -f "$stellarParticipantsOnline" ] then touch $stellarParticipantsOnline fi if [ ! -f "$tempdir" ] then touch $tempdir fi if [ ! -f "$tempaddr" ] then touch $tempaddr fi if [ ! -z $1 ] && [ "$1" == "-l" ] && [ ! -z $2 ] then limit=$2 else limit=3 fi _ak_network_stellar_get_asset_holders $limit while [ "$(tail -1 $stellarParticipants)" != "null" ] do _ak_network_stellar_show_ids _ak_network_stellar_proceed_to_next_page done grep G $stellarParticipants > $tempaddr cat $tempaddr > $stellarParticipants rm $tempfile $tempaddr while IFS="" read -r p || [ -n "$p" ] do flag=0 test="$(curl \ --connect-timeout 3 \ https://horizon.stellar.org/accounts/$p/data/config 2>/dev/null | grep value)" if [ $? -eq 0 ] then addressValuePair="$(printf '%s %s\n' "$p" "$(echo $test | sed -e 's/^.*: "//g; s/"//g' | base64 -d)")" while IFS="" read -r x || [ -n "$x" ] do if [ "$x" == "$addressValuePair" ] then flag=1 break fi done < $stellarParticipantsOnline if [ "$flag" == "0" ] then echo $addressValuePair >> $stellarParticipantsOnline _ak_log_info "$p is configured with $(echo $addressValuePair | awk '{ print $2 }'). Added to online participants." else _ak_log_info "$(echo $addressValuePair | awk '{ print $2 }') is already in $stellarParticipantsOnline. Skipping..." fi fi done < $stellarParticipants } _ak_network_scan_ipfs(){ _ak_not_implemented _ak_network_scan_ipfs } _ak_network_scan_cjdns(){ # # Needs CJDNS tools in your PATH # # Ref: https://github.com/cjdelisle/cjdns # which dumpLinks > /dev/null 2>&1 if [ $? -ne 0 ] then echo "You need to install cjdns and cjdns-tools" exit 1 fi which publictoip6 > /dev/null 2>&1 if [ $? -ne 0 ] then echo "You need to install cjdns and cjdns-tools" exit 1 fi TEMPDIR="$(_ak_make_temp_directory)" AK_ZPEERSFILE="$HOME/.arching-kaos/peersFile" cd $TEMPDIR counter=0 printf '[' > walk.aknet dumpLinks \ | cut -d ' ' -f 2,4 \ | sed 's/ /\n/g' \ | sort \ | uniq \ | grep -v `dumpLinks | grep '0000\.0000\.0000\.0001' | cut -d ' ' -f 2` \ | while read -r ip || [ -n "$ip" ] do _ak_log_debug "Scanning $(publictoip6 $ip)..." node_info="$(curl \ --connect-timeout 3 \ -A 'akd/0.1.0; https://github.com/arching-kaos' \ "http://[$(publictoip6 $ip)]:8610/v0/node_info" 2>/dev/null | jq -c -M)" if [ $? -eq 0 ] && [ $(echo -n "$node_info" | wc -c) -gt 0 ] then if [ "$counter" -ne "0" ] then printf ',' >> walk.aknet fi if [ ! -n "$node_info" ] then node_info="null" fi printf '{"cjdns":{"public_key":"%s","ip":"%s"},"node_info":%s}' \ "$ip" "`publictoip6 $ip`" "$node_info" >> walk.aknet counter="`expr $counter + 1`" fi done printf ']' >> walk.aknet mv walk.aknet $AK_ZPEERSFILE rm -rf $TEMPDIR } _ak_network_scan(){ if [ ! -z $1 ] && [ -n "$1" ] then case $1 in stellar) _ak_network_scan_stellar; exit;; ipfs) _ak_network_scan_ipfs; exit;; cjdns) _ak_network_scan_cjdns; exit;; * ) _ak_log_error "Unknown network $1";exit 1;; esac else _ak_network_scan_stellar _ak_network_scan_ipfs _ak_network_scan_cjdns fi } _ak_network_show_peers_stellar(){ stellarParticipants="$AK_WORKDIR/stellar-network-participants" stellarParticipantsOnline="$AK_WORKDIR/stellar-network-participants-online" ( printf '[' counter=0 cat $stellarParticipantsOnline | while read stellarAddress akConfig do if [ $counter -ne 0 ] then printf ',' fi counter=$(( $counter + 1 )) akConfigHash="$(_ak_ipfs_name_resolve /ipns/$akConfig|cut -d '/' -f 3)" printf '{"stellar":{"address":"%s","config":"%s"},"node_info":%s}' \ "$stellarAddress" \ "$akConfig" \ "$(_ak_ipfs_cat $akConfigHash)" done printf ']' ) #| jq } _ak_network_show_peers_cjdns(){ cat $AK_ZPEERSFILE | jq } _ak_network_show_peers_ipfs(){ _ak_not_implemented _ak_network_show_peers_ipfs } _ak_network_show_peers(){ if [ ! -z $1 ] && [ -n "$1" ] then case $1 in stellar) _ak_network_show_peers_stellar; exit;; cjdns) _ak_network_show_peers_cjdns; exit;; ipfs) _ak_network_show_peers_ipfs; exit;; * ) _ak_log_error "Unknown network $1";exit 1;; esac else (_ak_network_show_peers_stellar; _ak_network_show_peers_cjdns; _ak_network_show_peers_ipfs) | \ jq -j | \ sed -e 's/]\[/,/g' | \ jq fi } _ak_network_ipfs_connect_bootstrap(){ curl -s "https://arching-kaos.net/files/ak_ipfs_bootstrap_peers" | while read peer do _ak_ipfs_swarm_connect "$peer" done } _ak_network_cjdns_connect(){ if [ ! -z $1 ] && [ -n "$1" ] && [ -f $1 ] then peersfile="$1" else peersfile="$(_ak_make_temp_file)" tmpon="yes" curl -s "https://arching-kaos.net/files/ak_cjdns_bootstrap_peers" > $peersfile fi totalpeers="$(jq '. | length' < $peersfile)" number="0" interface="0" while [ $number -lt $totalpeers ] do address="$(jq -r '.['$number'].address' < $peersfile)" login="$(jq -r '.['$number'].login' < $peersfile)" password="$(jq -r '.['$number'].password' < $peersfile)" publicKey="$(jq -r '.['$number'].publicKey' < $peersfile)" peerName="$(jq -r '.['$number'].peerName' < $peersfile)" if [ $(echo $address | grep '\[') ] then interface="1" else interface="0" fi $cjdnstoolspath/cexec 'UDPInterface_beginConnection("'$publicKey'", "'$address'", "'$peerName'", "'$password'", "'$login'", '$interface')' number="$(( $number + 1 ))" done if [ "$tmpon" == "yes" ] then rm $peersfile fi } _ak_network_cjdns_connect_bootstrap(){ _ak_network_cjdns_connect } _ak_network_connect(){ if [ ! -z $1 ] && [ -n "$1" ] then case $1 in cjdns) _ak_network_cjdns_connect_bootstrap; exit;; ipfs) _ak_network_ipfs_connect_bootstrap; exit;; * ) _ak_log_error "Unknown network $1";exit 1;; esac else _ak_network_cjdns_connect_bootstrap _ak_network_ipfs_connect_bootstrap fi }