#!/usr/bin/env bash ### ### arching-kaos-tools ### Tools to interact and build an Arching Kaos Infochain ### Copyright (C) 2021 - 2025 kaotisk ### ### This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify ### it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by ### the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or ### (at your option) any later version. ### ### This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ### but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ### MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the ### GNU General Public License for more details. ### ### You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License ### along with this program. If not, see . ### #set -x source $AK_LIBDIR/_ak_log source $AK_LIBDIR/_ak_script source $AK_LIBDIR/_ak_utils source $AK_LIBDIR/_ak_gpg source $AK_LIBDIR/_ak_html source $AK_LIBDIR/_ak_ipfs source $AK_LIBDIR/_ak_fs if [ ! -d $AK_WORKDIR/ipfs ] then mkdir $AK_WORKDIR/ipfs fi function _ak_data_expand(){ if [ ! -z $1 ] && [ ! -z $2 ] && [ -n "$1" ] && [ -n "$2" ] then TEMP="$(_ak_make_temp_directory)" cd $TEMP _ak_ipfs_cid_v0_check $1 _ak_ipfs_cat $1 > /dev/null if [ $? -ne 0 ] then _ak_log_error "Error while reading $1" exit 1 fi _ak_ipfs_cat $1 | jq -M > /dev/null if [ $? -ne 0 ] then _ak_log_error "Error while parsing JSON for $1" exit 1 fi _ak_ipfs_cat $1 | jq | grep ipfs > /dev/null if [ $? -ne 0 ] then _ak_log_error "_ak_data_expand: No 'ipfs' field in $1" _ak_log_debug "Looking for akfsmap" _ak_ipfs_cat $1 | jq | grep akfsmap > /dev/null if [ $? -ne 0 ] then _ak_log_error "_ak_data_expand: No 'akfsmap' field in $1" exit 1 fi is_data_akfs="yes" else is_data_akfs="no" fi if [ "${is_data_akfs}" == "yes" ] then DATA=$(_ak_ipfs_cat $1 | jq -r '.akfsmap') if [ $? -ne 0 ] then _ak_log_error "Error while extracting data (akfsmap) from JSON for $1" exit 1 fi else DATA="$(_ak_ipfs_cat $1 | jq -r '.ipfs')" #| grep ipfs | sed -e 's/"ipfs": "//g; s/[",]//g; s/ //g')" if [ $? -ne 0 ] then _ak_log_error "Error while extracting data (ipfs) from JSON for $1" exit 1 fi # _ak_log_debug "DATA of $1 is: [$DATA]" fi _ak_ipfs_cat $1 | jq | grep detach > /dev/null if [ $? -ne 0 ] then _ak_log_error "_ak_data_expand: No 'detach' field in $1" exit 1 fi DETACH="$(_ak_ipfs_cat $1 | jq -r '.detach')" #| grep detach | sed -e 's/"detach": "//g; s/[",]//g; s/ //g')" if [ $? -ne 0 ] then _ak_log_error "Error while extracting data from JSON for $1" exit 1 fi _ak_ipfs_cid_v0_check $2 gpg="$2" _ak_ipfs_get $gpg > /dev/null 2>&1 if [ $? -ne 0 ] then _ak_log_error "Could not get GPG key: $gpg" exit 1 fi _ak_gpg_key_import_from_file $gpg > /dev/null 2>&1 if [ $? -ne 0 ] then _ak_log_error "Could not import GPG key: $gpg" exit 1 fi _ak_log_debug "GPG key from $gpg was imported!" if [ "${is_data_akfs}" == "yes" ] then _ak_log_info "DATA is on AKFS" _ak_fs_net_get_from_map_hash $DETACH if [ $? -ne 0 ] then _ak_log_error "Failed to download $DETACH" exit 1 fi detach_filename="$(_ak_fs_from_map_net_get_original_filename $DETACH)" _ak_log_info "$DETACH downloaded @ $detach_filename (we are in: $(pwd))" if [ ! -f $TEMP/$detach_filename ] then _ak_log_error "File downloaded from akfs wasn't found: $DETACH $detach_filename" exit 1 fi _ak_log_debug "detach filename is $detach_filename" mv $TEMP/$detach_filename $TEMP/$DETACH if [ ! -f $TEMP/$DETACH ] then _ak_log_error "$DETACH was downloaded but not found" exit 1 fi mv $TEMP/$DETACH $TEMP/$DATA.asc else _ak_ipfs_get $DETACH > /dev/null 2>&1 if [ $? -ne 0 ] then _ak_log_error "Error while getting signature: $DETACH for data: $DATA" exit 1 fi _ak_log_debug "$DETACH was downloaded" if [ ! -f $AK_IPFS_ARTIFACTS/$DETACH ] then _ak_log_error "$DETACH was downloaded but not found" exit 1 fi ln -s $AK_IPFS_ARTIFACTS/$DETACH $TEMP/$DATA.asc fi _ak_log_debug "DATA_SIGNATURE $DETACH downloaded" _ak_log_info "Gonna get $DATA..." if [ "${is_data_akfs}" == "yes" ] then _ak_fs_net_cat_from_map_hash $DATA > $TEMP/$DATA if [ $? -ne 0 ] then _ak_log_error "Failed to download $DATA" exit 1 fi if [ ! -f $TEMP/$DATA ] then _ak_log_error "$DATA was downloaded but not found" exit 1 fi else _ak_ipfs_get $DATA > /dev/null 2>&1 if [ $? -ne 0 ] then _ak_log_error "Error while getting data: $DATA" exit 1 fi ln -s $AK_IPFS_ARTIFACTS/$DATA $TEMP/$DATA fi _ak_log_debug "DATA $DATA downloaded" _ak_gpg_verify_signature $TEMP/$DATA.asc $TEMP/$DATA # > /dev/null 2>&1 if [ $? -ne 0 ] then _ak_log_error "Error while verifying signature for $DATA [ $TEMP/$DATA ] against $DETACH [ $TEMP/$DATA.asc ]" exit 1 fi # ln -s $AK_IPFS_ARTIFACTS/$DATA $AK_WORKDIR/ipfs _ak_log_info "DATA_SIGNATURE $DETACH verified" echo -n '"data":"'$1'","'$1'":'$(_ak_ipfs_cat $1|jq -M -c)',' cd rm -rf $TEMP else _ak_log_error "_ak_data_expand HASH GPG" exit 1 fi } # _ak_zblock_show # ak-zblock [IPFS CID] # # Returns a JSON array representing the chain retrieved. function _ak_zblock_show(){ verify=1 if [ ! -z $1 ] && [ -n "$1" ] then _ak_ipfs_cid_v0_check $1 entrance="$1" else entrance="$(cat $AK_ZLATEST)" fi TEMP=$(_ak_make_temp_directory) cd $TEMP zblock=$entrance # Check if $zblock exists as variable if [ ! -v $zblock ] then # Check if it is not our seed cause if it is we skip this part if [ "$zblock" != "$seed" ] then # Reset timestamp since it's introduced later timestamp='' # Announce to logs which ZBLOCK is being read at the moment _ak_log_info "Examining $zblock" _ak_ipfs_cid_v0_check "$zblock" # We check if any $zblock at all... # TODO: Eliminate outputing to file since we store all cat/get'ed # ipfs hashes on local fs. _ak_ipfs_cat $zblock > /dev/null 2>&1 if [ $? -ne 0 ] then _ak_log_error "ZBLOCK $zblock unreachable" exit 1 fi _ak_log_debug "ZBLOCK $zblock within reach" # ...and if it's JSON formated cat $AK_IPFS_ARTIFACTS/$zblock | jq > /dev/null 2>&1 if [ $? -ne 0 ] then _ak_log_error "ZBLOCK $zblock is not JSON" cat /dev/null > $AK_IPFS_ARTIFACTS/$zblock > /dev/null 2>&1 exit 1 fi _ak_log_debug "ZBLOCK $zblock is JSON" echo -n '{' # echo -n '"id":"'$counter'",' echo -n '"zblock":"'$zblock'",' # Be sure that there are the expected values # We need 'block' and 'block_signature' inside a 'zblock' # Exit if any is missing block="$(cat $AK_IPFS_ARTIFACTS/$zblock | jq -M -r .block)" if [ "$block" == "null" ] then _ak_log_error "ZBLOCK $zblock has no BLOCK" exit 1 fi _ak_ipfs_cid_v0_check "$block" _ak_log_debug "ZBLOCK $zblock has block $block" block_signature="$(cat $AK_IPFS_ARTIFACTS/$zblock | jq -M -r .block_signature)" if [ "$block_signature" == "null" ] then _ak_log_error "ZBLOCK $zblock has no BLOCK_SIGNATURE" exit 1 fi _ak_ipfs_cid_v0_check "$block_signature" _ak_log_debug "ZBLOCK $zblock contains a BLOCK_SIGNATURE $block_signature" # Same as above applies to BLOCK and DATA subparts of each ZBLOCK # BLOCKS echo -n '"block":"'$block'",' echo -n '"block_signature":"'$block_signature'",' _ak_ipfs_cat $block | jq -c -M > /dev/null 2>&1 cat $AK_IPFS_ARTIFACTS/$block | jq -M > /dev/null 2>&1 if [ $? -ne 0 ] then _ak_log_error "BLOCK $block READ failed" exit 1 fi grep -e 'timestamp' -e 'gpg' -e 'data' -e 'action' -e 'detach' -e 'previous' $AK_IPFS_ARTIFACTS/$block > /dev/null 2>&1 if [ $? -ne 0 ] then _ak_log_error "BLOCK $block is NOT a valid block" exit 1 fi _ak_log_debug "BLOCK $block is a block" action="$(cat $AK_IPFS_ARTIFACTS/$block | jq -M -r .action)" module="$(echo $action | sed -e 's/\// /g' | awk '{ print $1 }')" _ak_log_debug "DATA is $module module." command="$(echo $action | sed -e 's/\// /g' | awk '{ print $2 }')" _ak_log_debug "COMMAND is $command" timestamp="$(cat $AK_IPFS_ARTIFACTS/$block | jq -M -r .timestamp)" if [ "$timestamp" != "null" ] then echo -n '"timestamp":"'$timestamp'",' fi detach="$(cat $AK_IPFS_ARTIFACTS/$block | jq -M -r .detach)" echo -n '"detach":"'$detach'",' echo -n '"module":"'$module'",' echo -n '"action":"'$command'",' gpg="$(cat $AK_IPFS_ARTIFACTS/$block | jq -M -r .gpg)" echo -n '"gpg":"'$gpg'",' if [ $verify -eq 1 ] then _ak_ipfs_get $gpg > /dev/null 2>&1 if [ $? -ne 0 ] then _ak_log_error "Could not get GPG key: $gpg ." exit 1 fi _ak_gpg_key_import_from_file $gpg > /dev/null 2>&1 if [ $? -ne 0 ] then _ak_log_error "Could not import GPG key: $gpg ." exit 1 fi _ak_ipfs_get $block_signature > /dev/null 2>&1 if [ $? -ne 0 ] then _ak_log_error "Error while getting BLOCK_SIGNATURE $block_signature for BLOCK $block" exit 1 fi ln -s $AK_IPFS_ARTIFACTS/$block_signature $TEMP/$block.asc _ak_log_info "BLOCK_SIGNATURE $block_signature downloaded" _ak_ipfs_get $block > /dev/null 2>&1 if [ $? -ne 0 ] then _ak_log_error "Could not get $block block" exit 1 fi _ak_log_info "BLOCK $block downloaded" _ak_gpg_verify_signature $TEMP/$block.asc $AK_IPFS_ARTIFACTS/$block > /dev/null 2>&1 if [ $? -ne 0 ] then _ak_log_error "Could not verify $block with GPG key $gpg." exit 1 fi _ak_log_info "$gpg signature of $block is verified." fi data="$(cat $AK_IPFS_ARTIFACTS/$block | jq -M -r .data)" _ak_ipfs_cid_v0_check "$data" _ak_data_expand $data $gpg if [ $? -ne 0 ] then _ak_log_error "Failed on data signature verification [data: $data, gpg: $gpg, zblock: $zblock]" exit 1 fi # DATA # Only print to stdout # _ak_ipfs_cat $data # touch $AK_DATADIR/$data # ^ unreasonable? # Now, since we sourced the BLOCK to our terminal, we can search # for $previous variable. In case we don't find one, we append one # and we exit. previous="$(cat $AK_IPFS_ARTIFACTS/$block | jq -M -r .previous)" if [ -v $previous ] then _ak_log_warning "Block $block has no previous zblock, appending pseudo genesis to exit with 2." echo -n '"previous":"'$seed'"},{"genesis":"genesis"}]' _ak_log_info "Reached pseudo-genesis, counted $counter zblocks." exit 2 # Otherwise, we inform of the sequence else #echo "$zblock after $previous" _ak_log_info "Found a previous block for $zblock: $previous" echo -n '"previous":"'$previous'"}' zblock=$previous fi # Now check if it is equal to the seed # which apparently means we reached the seed. elif [ "$zblock" == "$seed" ] then echo -n '{"genesis":"genesis"}]' _ak_log_info "Reached $seed, counted $counter zblocks." exit 0 fi # And finally, if nothing is there exit with error else echo "Check not passed... No previous IPFS CID" exit 1 fi } # _ak_zblock_manipulator(){ # # This file describe the structure of the ArchingKaos messages in their basis. # # # # As previously thought, we exchange one IPFS hash through whatever means we can. # # # # GPG is mentioned as a signing algorithm for encryption, decryption and signing. # # Let's say we have a file named as `example` # # # # We can extend this with calling the encoder and further send the transaction # # # # #FINGERPRINT="CHANGE THIS TO YOUR DEFAULT FINGERPRINT" # # We acquire the GPG fingerprint by email address # # The following example finds kaos@kaos.kaos' GPG fingerprint like this # # FINGERPRINT="$(gpg2 --homedir $AK_GPGHOME --list-keys | grep kaos@kaos.kaos -1 | head -n1 | awk '{print $1}')" # # # Below, the usage information # PROGRAM="$(basename $0)" # source $AK_LIBDIR/_ak_log # source $AK_LIBDIR/_ak_ipfs # source $AK_LIBDIR/_ak_gpg # # usage(){ # echo "Usage:" # echo "$PROGRAM -b block_file | -h block_hash | dunno" # echo "Creates and publishes a ZBLOCK based on a block and a previous" # echo "zblock." # echo "" # echo "Either -b or -h is needed. If both, -h is used." # echo "" # echo "-b block_file Points to a block file that we want to fix." # echo "-h block_hash If we don't have the block as a file, we can" # echo " use it's hash to retrieve it and edit it." # echo "-p previous_hash We refering to a previous hash for a ZBLOCK." # echo "" # echo "#TODO:" # echo "-t timestamp Unix UTC timestamp in seconds." # echo "-a \"module/action\" Change the action tag. Format: object/verb." # echo " In sense, \"Add news -> news/add\"." # echo "-d data In case you want to change the data, you 'll" # echo " be changing potentially the key of the block" # echo " and the data signature, otherwise your block" # echo " will be unverified." # echo "" # } # # main(){ # # _ak_log_info "We are doing" $BLOCK_TO_ADD "with content" $PREVIOUS # # We add it to IPFS # MESSAGE_HASH=$(_ak_ipfs_add $MESSAGE) # # # We create a detached and armor signature of it # MESSAGE_SIGN_FILE=$MESSAGE".asc" # _ak_gpg_sign_detached $MESSAGE_SIGN_FILE $MESSAGE # # # We add the signature to IPFS # MESSAGE_SIGNATURE=$(_ak_ipfs_add $MESSAGE_SIGN_FILE) # # # We will be using our public key also to put it in the block later # KEY="gpg.pub" # _ak_gpg_key_self_export $KEY # GPG_PUB_KEY=$(_ak_ipfs_add $KEY) # # # Acquire last block of information, to chain this one with previous posted # PREVIOUS=$(_ak_ipfs_files_stat /zlatest | head -n 1) # # # We create a block of json like this: # cat > block < zblock << EOF # { # "block":"$BLOCK", # "block_signature":"$BLOCK_SIGNATURE" # } # EOF # ZBL="zblock" # # and we add it on IPFS # ZBLOCK=$(_ak_ipfs_add $ZBL) # echo $ZBLOCK # } # # if [ ! -z $2 ]; # then # PWD="$(pwd)" # # # We ask which BLOCK is goind to be edited # BLOCK_TO_ADD="$1" # # We ask for a ZBLOCK or GENESIS to put in the BLOCK # PREVIOUS="$2" # # _ak_ipfs_cat "$BLOCK_TO_ADD" # if [ $? == 0 ]; # then # echo "Nice! We found the block" # _ak_ipfs_get "$BLOCK_TO_ADD" # # sed -i.bak -e 's/^.*previous.*$/\"previous\":\"'$PREVIOUS'\"/' $BLOCK_TO_ADD # cat $BLOCK_TO_ADD | jq -M # # exit 2 # else # echo "Too bad, it seems the block is not there" # exit 1 # fi # # # cat $PWD/zblock | jq -M # # Optional or extending with # # python send_as_ak_tx $ZBLOCK # # or for "offline" use # echo $ZBLOCK > $ZLATEST # _ak_ipfs_name_publish --key=zchain $ZBLOCK > /dev/null 2>&1 # _ak_ipfs_files_mkdir /zarchive > /dev/null 2>&1 # _ak_ipfs_files_cp /zlatest /zarchive/$(date -u +%s)-$(_ak_ipfs_files_stat /zlatest | head -n 1) > /dev/null 2>&1 # _ak_ipfs_files_rm /zlatest > /dev/null 2>&1 # _ak_ipfs_files_cp /ipfs/$ZBLOCK /zlatest > /dev/null 2>&1 # else # usage # exit 0 # fi # # } function _ak_zblock_gen_html(){ time_started=$(_ak_datetime_unix_nanosecs) ss=$(echo $time_started | cut -d '.' -f 1) nss=$(echo $time_started | cut -d '.' -f 2) # Check if there are enough arguments if [ $# -lt 1 ] then _ak_log_error "Not enough arguments provided" _ak_help exit 1 fi if [ -n "$1" ] then TEST="$(echo -n "$1" | grep -v '^Qm[A-Za-z0-9]\{44\}$')" if [ -n "$TEST" ] then echo not ok exit 1 fi fi arg="$(_ak_make_temp_file)" _ak_zblock_show "$1" | jq > $arg _ak_generate_html_header > zblock-$1.html _ak_generate_html_zblock $arg >> zblock-$1.html time_ended=$(_ak_datetime_unix_nanosecs) se=$(echo $time_ended | cut -d '.' -f 1) nse=$(echo $time_ended | cut -d '.' -f 2) printf '
\n' >> zblock-$1.html printf ' \n' "$(( 1$nse - $nss ))" >> zblock-$1.html else printf '%s seconds' "$(( $nse - $(echo -n $nss|sed 's/^0*//') ))" >> zblock-$1.html fi printf '' >> zblock-$1.html printf '' >> zblock-$1.html rm $arg } function _ak_zblock_cache(){ if [ ! -d "$AK_CACHEDIR/fzblocks" ] then mkdir $AK_CACHEDIR/fzblocks fi FZBLOCKSDIR="$AK_CACHEDIR/fzblocks" if [ ! -z "$1" ] && [ -n "$1" ] then if [ -f "$AK_ZBLOCKDIR/$1" ] && [ "$( (du -b $AK_ZBLOCKDIR/$1 || du -A $AK_ZBLOCKDIR/$1)2>/dev/null | awk '{ print $1 }')" != "0" ] then # if [ "$(sha512sum $AK_ZBLOCKDIR/$1 | awk '{ print $1 }')" == "$(_ak_zblock_show $1 | sha512sum | awk '{ print $1 }')" ] if [ ! -f $FZBLOCKSDIR/$1 ] then _ak_log_info "No cache found. Caching..." _ak_zblock_show "$1" > $FZBLOCKSDIR/$1 fi if [ ! -f $FZBLOCKSDIR/$1 ] then _ak_log_info "Caching failed..." exit 1 fi cat $FZBLOCKSDIR/$1 else _ak_zblock_show "$1" > $FZBLOCKSDIR/$1 if [ $? -ne "0" ] then _ak_log_error "_ak_zblock_show failed..." exit 2 fi _ak_log_error "Could not find zblock $1..." exit 1 fi exit 0 else _ak_log_error "No arguments..." exit 1 fi } function _ak_zblock_repack(){ if [ -z $1 ] || [ ! -n "$1" ] then _ak_log_error "No zblock hash provided" exit 1 fi _ak_ipfs_cid_v0_check $1 if [ $? -ne 0 ] then _ak_log_error "Not valid zblock hash provided" exit 1 fi zblock_to_repack="$1" if [ -z $2 ] || [ ! -n "$2" ] then _ak_log_error "No zblock hash provided" exit 1 fi _ak_ipfs_cid_v0_check $2 if [ $? -ne 0 ] then _ak_log_error "Not valid zblock hash provided" exit 1 fi zblock_to_repack_at="$2" MESSAGE="$zblock_to_repack" ACTION="$(_ak_zblock_show $zblock_to_repack | jq -r '.module,.action' | tr $'\n' '/' | sed -e 's/\/$//g')" if [ ! -n "$ACTION" ] then _ak_log_error "Empty action" exit 1 fi if [ ! -f "$AK_IPFS_ARTIFACTS/$MESSAGE" ] then _ak_log_error "File does not exist. Aborting..." exit 1 fi data="$(_ak_zblock_show $zblock_to_repack | jq -r '.data')" if [ ! -f $AK_IPFS_ARTIFACTS/$data ] then _ak_log_error "$data file doesn't exist" exit 1 fi _ak_log_info "We are repacking $ACTION with content $MESSAGE at $zblock_to_repack_at" MESSAGE_HASH="$data" # We create a detached and armor signature of it MESSAGE_SIGN_FILE="$data.asc" _ak_gpg_sign_detached $MESSAGE_SIGN_FILE $AK_IPFS_ARTIFACTS/$data _ak_log_debug "Signature made for $data" # We add the signature to IPFS MESSAGE_SIGNATURE=$(_ak_ipfs_add $MESSAGE_SIGN_FILE) _ak_log_debug "Hash made for $data: $MESSAGE_SIGNATURE" # We will be using our public key also to put it in the block later KEY="self.pub" _ak_gpg_key_self_export $KEY GPG_PUB_KEY=$(_ak_ipfs_add $KEY) _ak_log_debug "Key: $GPG_PUB_KEY" # Acquire last block of information, to chain this one with previous posted PREVIOUS="$zblock_to_repack_at" _ak_log_debug "Previous: $PREVIOUS" # We create a block of json like this: printf '{"timestamp":"%s","action":"%s","data":"%s","detach":"%s","gpg":"%s","previous":"%s"}' $(_ak_datetime_unix) $ACTION $MESSAGE_HASH $MESSAGE_SIGNATURE $GPG_PUB_KEY $PREVIOUS > block BLOCK="block" BLOCK_SIG=$BLOCK".asc" # We have a block now, so we sign it _ak_gpg_sign_detached $BLOCK_SIG $BLOCK _ak_log_debug "Signature made for block" # We now add the signature to IPFS BLOCK_SIGNATURE=$(_ak_ipfs_add $BLOCK_SIG) _ak_log_debug "Block signature hash: $BLOCK_SIGNATURE" # We also add the block! BLOCK=$(_ak_ipfs_add $BLOCK) _ak_log_debug "Block hash: $BLOCK" # So we now do the think almost again printf '{"block":"%s","block_signature":"%s"}' $BLOCK $BLOCK_SIGNATURE > zblock ZBL="zblock" # and we add it on IPFS ZBLOCK=$(_ak_ipfs_add $ZBL) echo $ZBLOCK _ak_log_debug "Zblock hash: $ZBLOCK" # cat $PWD/zblock | jq -M # Optional or extending with # python send_as_ak_tx $ZBLOCK # or for "offline" use archivaltime="$(_ak_datetime_unix)" echo "${archivaltime} $(cat $AK_ZLATEST)" >> $AK_ZLATEST_HISTORY echo $ZBLOCK > $AK_ZLATEST _ak_ipfs_name_publish zchain /ipfs/$ZBLOCK #> /dev/null 2>&1 if [ $? -ne 0 ] then _ak_log_error "Failed publishing ZBLOCK: $ZBLOCK" exit 1 fi _ak_ipfs_files_ls /zarchive > /dev/null 2>&1 if [ $? -ne 0 ] then _ak_log_warning "/zarchive does not exist" _ak_ipfs_files_mkdir /zarchive > /dev/null 2>&1 if [ $? -ne 0 ] then _ak_log_error "Could not create /zarchive directory. Aborting." exit 1 fi fi _ak_ipfs_files_cp /zlatest /zarchive/${archivaltime}-$(_ak_ipfs_files_stat /zlatest | head -n 1) > /dev/null 2>&1 if [ $? -ne 0 ] then _ak_log_error "Could not back up previous /zlatest" exit 1 fi _ak_ipfs_files_rm /zlatest > /dev/null 2>&1 if [ $? -ne 0 ] then _ak_log_error "Could not remove previous /zlatest" exit 1 fi _ak_ipfs_files_cp /ipfs/$ZBLOCK /zlatest > /dev/null 2>&1 if [ $? -ne 0 ] then _ak_log_error "Could not copy $ZBLOCK to /zlatest" exit 1 fi _ak_config_publish if [ $? -ne 0 ] then _ak_log_error "Could not publish new configuration" exit 1 fi } function _ak_zblock_pack(){ if [ ! -z $2 ] then MESSAGE="$2" ACTION="$1" if [ -f "$MESSAGE" ]; then # We check firstly if the encapsulated value of the "ipfs" key has already # appeared in the zchain. TO_CHECK="$(cat $MESSAGE | jq | grep ipfs | awk '{print $2}' | sed -e 's/"//g;s/,//g')" ak-zchain --crawl | jq | grep ipfs | awk '{print $2}' | sed -e 's/"//g;s/,//g' | sort | uniq > tempisalreadythere while IFS="" read -r p || [ -n "$p" ] do if [ "$p" == "$TO_CHECK" ] then _ak_log_error "Value $TO_CHECK already mentioned on the zchain" exit 1 fi done < tempisalreadythere rm tempisalreadythere _ak_log_info "We are doing $ACTION with content $MESSAGE" # We add it to IPFS MESSAGE_HASH=$(_ak_ipfs_add $MESSAGE) # We create a detached and armor signature of it MESSAGE_SIGN_FILE=$MESSAGE".asc" _ak_gpg_sign_detached $MESSAGE_SIGN_FILE $MESSAGE # We add the signature to IPFS MESSAGE_SIGNATURE=$(_ak_ipfs_add $MESSAGE_SIGN_FILE) # We will be using our public key also to put it in the block later KEY="gpg.pub" _ak_gpg_key_self_export $KEY GPG_PUB_KEY=$(_ak_ipfs_add $KEY) # Acquire last block of information, to chain this one with previous posted PREVIOUS="$(cat $AK_ZLATEST)" # We create a block of json like this: printf '{"timestamp":"%s","action":"%s","data":"%s","detach":"%s","gpg":"%s","previous":"%s"}' "$(_ak_datetime_unix)" "$ACTION" "$MESSAGE_HASH" "$MESSAGE_SIGNATURE" "$GPG_PUB_KEY" "$PREVIOUS" > block BLOCK="block" BLOCK_SIG="${BLOCK}.asc" # We have a block now, so we sign it _ak_gpg_sign_detached $BLOCK_SIG $BLOCK # We now add the signature to IPFS BLOCK_SIGNATURE=$(_ak_ipfs_add $BLOCK_SIG) # We also add the block! BLOCK=$(_ak_ipfs_add $BLOCK) # So we now do the think almost again printf '{"block":"%s","block_signature":"%s"}' $BLOCK $BLOCK_SIGNATURE > zblock ZBL="zblock" # and we add it on IPFS ZBLOCK=$(_ak_ipfs_add $ZBL) echo $ZBLOCK else _ak_log_error "File does not exist. Aborting..." exit 1 fi # cat $PWD/zblock | jq -M # Optional or extending with # python send_as_ak_tx $ZBLOCK # or for "offline" use archivaltime="$(_ak_datetime_unix)" echo "${archivaltime} $(cat $AK_ZLATEST)" >> $AK_ZLATEST_HISTORY echo $ZBLOCK > $AK_ZLATEST _ak_ipfs_name_publish zchain /ipfs/$ZBLOCK > /dev/null 2>&1 if [ $? -ne 0 ] then _ak_log_error "Failed publishing ZBLOCK: $ZBLOCK" exit 1 fi _ak_ipfs_files_ls /zarchive > /dev/null 2>&1 if [ $? -ne 0 ] then _ak_log_warning "/zarchive does not exist" _ak_ipfs_files_mkdir /zarchive > /dev/null 2>&1 if [ $? -ne 0 ] then _ak_log_error "Could not create /zarchive directory. Aborting." exit 1 fi fi _ak_ipfs_files_cp /zlatest /zarchive/${archivaltime}-$(_ak_ipfs_files_stat /zlatest | head -n 1) > /dev/null 2>&1 if [ $? -ne 0 ] then _ak_log_error "Could not back up previous /zlatest" exit 1 fi _ak_ipfs_files_rm /zlatest > /dev/null 2>&1 if [ $? -ne 0 ] then _ak_log_error "Could not remove previous /zlatest" exit 1 fi _ak_ipfs_files_cp /ipfs/$ZBLOCK /zlatest > /dev/null 2>&1 if [ $? -ne 0 ] then _ak_log_error "Could not copy $ZBLOCK to /zlatest" exit 1 fi _ak_config_publish if [ $? -ne 0 ] then _ak_log_error "Could not publish new configuration" exit 1 fi else _ak_log_error "Not enough arguments" exit 1 fi } function _ak_zblock_announce(){ if [ ! -z "$1" ] && [ -n "$1" ] then curl \ --connect-timeout 3 \ --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \ --data-raw '{"zblock":"'$1'"}' \ "http://[$(_ak_settings_get api.bindToIP)]:8610/v0/announce/zblock" \ 2>/dev/null | jq -M -c > /dev/null if [ $? -ne 0 ] then _ak_log_error "zblock $zblock announcement failed" else _ak_log_info "zblock $zblock announced" fi else curl \ --connect-timeout 3 \ --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \ --data-raw '{"zblock":"'$(ak-zchain --get-latest)'"}' \ "" \ 2>/dev/null | jq -M -c > /dev/null if [ $? -ne 0 ] then _ak_log_error "zblock $zblock announcement failed" else _ak_log_info "zblock $zblock announced" fi fi }