#!/usr/bin/env bash ### ### arching-kaos-tools ### Tools to interact and build an Arching Kaos Infochain ### Copyright (C) 2021 - 2025 kaotisk ### ### This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify ### it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by ### the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or ### (at your option) any later version. ### ### This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ### but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ### MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the ### GNU General Public License for more details. ### ### You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License ### along with this program. If not, see . ### ## ## -h, --help Prints this help message" ## index Prints an indexed table of your comments files" ## add Creates a data file from the comments file you point to" ## create Vim is going to pop up, you will write and save your" ## commentsletter and it's going to be saved" ## fullprogrampath="$(realpath $0)" PROGRAM="ak-module-$(realpath $0 | rev |cut -d '/' -f 2 | rev)" descriptionString="Comments module for Arching Kaos" source $AK_LIBDIR/_ak_log source $AK_LIBDIR/_ak_script source $AK_LIBDIR/_ak_ipfs source $AK_LIBDIR/_ak_gpg source $AK_LIBDIR/_ak_zblock source $AK_LIBDIR/_ak_utils ZCOMMENTSDIR="$AK_WORKDIR/comments" TEMP="/tmp/aktmp" if [ ! -d $ZCOMMENTSDIR ]; then mkdir $ZCOMMENTSDIR cd $ZCOMMENTSDIR _ak_log_info "zcommentsdir created" else _ak_log_info "zcommentsdir found" fi function _ak_modules_comments_create(){ if [ ! -z $1 ] then REFER_TO="$1" else _ak_log_error "No reference given" echo "ERROR" "No reference given" exit 1 fi TEMP="$(_ak_make_temp_directory)" cd $TEMP export COMMENTS_FILE="$(_ak_datetime_unix)" vi $COMMENTS_FILE echo "Renaming..." TO_FILE=$COMMENTS_FILE IPFS_FILE=$(_ak_ipfs_add $COMMENTS_FILE) mv $COMMENTS_FILE $ZCOMMENTSDIR/$TO_FILE _ak_modules_comments_add $TO_FILE _ak_log_info "Adding to git repo..." cd $ZCOMMENTSDIR if [ ! -z $REFER_TO ] then ak-reference create $REFERENCE $REFER_TO fi } function _ak_modules_comments_index(){ FILES="$(ls -1 $ZCOMMENTSDIR)" i=0 for FILE in $FILES do DATE=$(echo $FILE | cut -d - -f 1 | awk '{print $1}') TITLE=$(head -n 1 $ZCOMMENTSDIR/$FILE) echo $i \| $DATE \| $TITLE let i+=1 done } function _ak_modules_comments_add(){ TEMP="$(_ak_make_temp_directory)" cd $TEMP if [ -f "$ZCOMMENTSDIR/$1" ]; then FILE=$ZCOMMENTSDIR/$1 echo "Adding comments from " $FILE DATETIME="$1" FILE_IPFS_HASH=$(_ak_ipfs_add $FILE) FILE_SIGN_FILE=$FILE".asc" _ak_gpg_sign_detached $FILE_SIGN_FILE $FILE FILE_SIGNATURE=$(_ak_ipfs_add $FILE_SIGN_FILE) printf '{"datetime":"%s","ipfs":"%s","detach":"%s"}' $DATETIME $FILE_IPFS_HASH $FILE_SIGNATURE > data else echo "File $FILE doesn't exist"; exit 2 fi REFERENCE="$(_ak_zblock_pack "comments/add" $(pwd)/data)" if [ $? == 0 ] then echo "Comment added successfully" else echo "error??" exit 1 fi } if [ ! -z $1 ]; then case $1 in -h | --help) _ak_usage; exit;; index) _ak_modules_comments_index; exit;; add) _ak_modules_comments_add $2 $3; exit;; create) _ak_modules_comments_create $2; exit;; * ) _ak_usage;; esac else _ak_usage fi