path: root/src/js/radio-emulator.js
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'src/js/radio-emulator.js')
1 files changed, 460 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/js/radio-emulator.js b/src/js/radio-emulator.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9c9d27e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/js/radio-emulator.js
@@ -0,0 +1,460 @@
+// Radio Station Emulator
+// Kaotisk Hund - 2024
+// @license magnet:?xt=urn:btih:0b31508aeb0634b347b8270c7bee4d411b5d4109&dn=agpl-3.0.txt AGPL v3.0
+// A simple co-mechanism to pretend playing a live radio as it would happen for
+// a radio station that mostly plays prerecoded shows.
+// Client side implementation
+// Let's remind here the structures we are waiting for:
+// 1. Hash
+// 2. 0
+// 3. audio/ogg file
+// 4. application/json file
+// 1. Hash
+// Can be an SHA512sum or SHA256sum, we don't do checks, we only ask the hash
+// accompanied by what do we think it is.
+// 2. 0
+// When nothing exists on the radio station we are visiting.
+// 3. audio/ogg file
+// An audio file to play.
+// 4. application/json file
+// Could be one of the following:
+// - list
+// - show_info
+import { makeElement } from "./arching-kaos-generator.js";
+import { getSettings } from "./arching-kaos-web-ui-settings.js";
+import { generateImage } from "./image-generator.js";
+var debugMode = false;
+const settings = getSettings();
+const apiURL = settings.ak.radio.list[settings.ak.radio.active];
+const version = "v0";
+const listRequest = `${apiURL}/${version}/list`
+const jsonRequest = `${apiURL}/${version}/application/json/`
+const audioRequest = `${apiURL}/${version}/audio/ogg/`
+const documentTitle = "Radio Station Emulator";
+const separator = " :: ";
+export function getAudioElement()
+ return document.querySelector('#radio-player');
+export function getCurrentTime()
+ return document.querySelector('.current-time');
+export function getListStarted()
+ return document.querySelector('.started-on');
+export function getCurrentShowHash ()
+ return document.querySelector('.current-show-hash');
+export function getListHash ()
+ return document.querySelector('.list-hash');
+export function getArtist()
+ return document.querySelector('.artist');
+export function getTitle()
+ return document.querySelector('.title');
+export function getRadioPlayer()
+ return document.querySelector('.radio-player');
+export function getYouAreHere ()
+ return document.querySelector('.you-are-here');
+export function getPlayProgress()
+ return document.querySelector('.play-progress');
+export function getStartsOn()
+ return document.querySelector('.starts-on');
+export function getShowDuration()
+ return document.querySelectorAll('.show-duration');
+export function getRelativeTime()
+ return document.querySelector('.relative-time');
+export function getListeningAt()
+ return document.querySelector('.listening-at');
+export function getDlProgress()
+ return document.querySelector('.dl-progress');
+export function getMinTimesPlayed()
+ return document.querySelector('.min-played');
+export function getMaxTimesPlayed()
+ return document.querySelector('.max-played');
+export function getListDuration()
+ return document.querySelector('.list-duration');
+export function getPreviouslyPlayed()
+ return document.querySelector('.previously-played');
+export function getShowInfo()
+ return document.querySelector('.show-info');
+export function getListInfo()
+ return document.querySelector('.list-info');
+export function getDt()
+ return document.querySelector('.d-t');
+export function getDeltaTime()
+ return document.querySelector('.delta-time');
+export function getTimeOfVisit()
+ return document.querySelector('.time-of-visit');
+var values = {
+ delta_time: 0,
+ min_times_played: 0,
+ maxTimesPlayed: 0,
+ Dt: 0,
+ now_on_sequence: 0,
+ seconds_here: 0,
+ current_time: 0
+function debugLog(message)
+ if ( debugMode ) console.log(message);
+function setTitleSyncing(){
+ document.title = "🔃Syncing" + separator + documentTitle;
+function setTitleMessage(message){
+ document.title = message + separator + documentTitle;
+function updateComponentsAfterIncreaseSeconds()
+ getYouAreHere().innerText = values.seconds_here;
+ getPlayProgress().value = values.current_time + values.seconds_here;
+ getRelativeTime().innerText = values.current_time + values.seconds_here;
+ getListeningAt().innerText = Math.floor(getAudioElement().currentTime);
+function increaseSeconds()
+ values.seconds_here = values.seconds_here + 1;
+ updateComponentsAfterIncreaseSeconds();
+ return values.seconds_here;
+function getSecondsHere()
+ return values.seconds_here;
+setInterval(increaseSeconds, 1000);
+function FetchJSON( url, callback, params )
+ setTitleSyncing();
+ const request = new XMLHttpRequest();
+ request.addEventListener("load", ()=>{
+ var json = JSON.parse(request.response);
+ if(request.status !== 404){
+ callback(json, params);
+ } else {
+ debugLog(`ERROR ${request.status} while loading ${url}`);
+ }
+ });
+ request.addEventListener("error", ()=>{
+ debugLog("An error occured. While loading: "+url+" for "+callback+".");
+ });
+ request.addEventListener("abort", ()=>{
+ debugLog("Request aborted: "+url+" for "+callback+".");
+ });
+ request.open("GET", url);
+ request.send();
+function FetchAudio(url, callback)
+ const request = new XMLHttpRequest();
+ request.responseType = 'blob';
+ request.addEventListener("load", ()=>{
+ if(request.status === 200){
+ debugLog("Got it... trying!")
+ getDlProgress().value = 100;
+ getAudioElement().src = URL.createObjectURL(request.response);
+ callback();
+ //getAudioElement().play();
+ debugLog("Tried... did it work?");
+ } else {
+ debugLog(`ERROR ${request.status} while loading ${url}`);
+ }
+ });
+ request.addEventListener("progress", (event)=>{
+ if (event.lengthComputable)
+ {
+ debugLog(`Fetching: ${event.total}`);
+ getDlProgress().value = (event.loaded/event.total)*100;
+ }
+ });
+ request.addEventListener("error", ()=>{
+ debugLog("An error occured. While loading: "+url);
+ });
+ request.addEventListener("abort", ()=>{
+ debugLog("Request aborted: "+url);
+ });
+ request.open("GET", url);
+ request.send();
+function genericCallback(json, params)
+ debugLog('genericCallback');
+ debugLog(json);
+ debugLog(params);
+var calledLoadShowCallback = 0;
+function stopHereAndReflect()
+ return 0;
+function updateComponentsAfterLoadShowCallback(json, listItem)
+ setTitleMessage ( "▶️ " + json.artist + " - " + json.title );
+ getCurrentShowHash().innerText = listItem.hash;
+ getArtist().innerText = json.artist;
+ getTitle().innerText = json.title;
+ getShowDuration().forEach((element)=>{element.innerText = Math.floor(listItem.duration/1000)});
+ getStartsOn().innerText = listItem.starts_on;
+ getPlayProgress().max = Math.floor(listItem.duration/1000);
+ getShowInfo().innerText = JSON.stringify(json, null, 2);
+ getCurrentTime().innerText = values.current_time;
+function loadShowCallback(json, params)
+ const [ list, now_on_sequence, listItem, hash_of_list ] = params;
+ debugLog('loadShowCallback');
+ debugLog(json);
+ debugLog(listItem);
+ //debugLog(params);
+ getAudioElement().load();
+ FetchAudio(`${audioRequest}${json.hash}`, sync_radio);
+ getAudioElement().type = json.mimetype;
+ values.current_time = Math.floor((values.now_on_sequence/1000)); // - listItem.starts_on)/1000);
+ updateComponentsAfterLoadShowCallback(json, listItem);
+ getAudioElement().addEventListener('ended', function(){
+ values.current_time = 0;
+ values.seconds_here = 0;
+ getCurrentTime().value = 0;
+ FetchJSON(`${listRequest}`, hashCallback, [ new Date().getTime() ]);
+ });
+function preciseIncreaseVolume(value)
+ if ( value <= 1 ) getAudioElement().volume = value;
+function fadeInAudio()
+ var timeSpan = 1000;
+ var timeStep = 100;
+ for ( var i = 0; i <= 90; i++ )
+ {
+ timeSpan = timeSpan + timeStep;
+ var newVolume = Math.sin(i*(Math.PI/180));
+ setTimeout( preciseIncreaseVolume(newVolume), timeSpan);
+ }
+export function sync_radio()
+ var new_now = values.current_time + getSecondsHere();
+ debugLog("Trying to sync @ "+ values.current_time + " + " + getSecondsHere() + " = " + new_now);
+ getAudioElement().currentTime = new_now;
+ getAudioElement().play();
+ getAudioElement().muted = false;
+ getAudioElement().volume = 0;
+ fadeInAudio();
+ return new_now;
+function syncOnDOMfromListCallback(now, hash_of_list, json)
+ getTimeOfVisit().innerText = now;
+ getListStarted().innerText = json.started_on;
+ getListDuration().innerText = json.duration;
+ getListHash().innerText = hash_of_list;
+ getDeltaTime().innerText = values.delta_time;
+ getMinTimesPlayed().innerText = values.min_times_played;
+ getMaxTimesPlayed().innerText = values.max_times_to_be_played;
+ getDt().innerText = values.Dt;
+ getCurrentTime().innerText = values.now_on_sequence;
+ getListInfo().innerText = JSON.stringify(json, null, 2);
+function infoShowCallback(json, params)
+ var [ hash ] = params;
+ if ( document.querySelector(`#d-${hash}`) !== null )
+ {
+ var parent = document.querySelector(`#d-${hash}`);
+ var tableElement = {
+ element:'div',
+ id: `t-${hash}`,
+ innerHTML:[
+ {element:"div",innerText:`${json.artist}`},
+ {element:"div",innerText:`${json.title}`}
+ ]
+ };
+ makeElement(tableElement, parent);
+ }
+function appendPreviouslyPlayedShows(listItem){
+ if ( document.querySelector(`#d-${listItem.hash}`) === null )
+ {
+ var tmp = {
+ element:'div',
+ style: 'flex-direction:row;align-items:center;',
+ id: `d-${listItem.hash}`,
+ innerHTML:[
+ { element:"img", id: `i-${listItem.hash}` }
+ ]
+ }
+ makeElement(tmp, getPreviouslyPlayed());
+ document.querySelector(`#d-${listItem.hash}`).scrollIntoView();
+ generateImage(listItem.hash, 'new');
+ FetchJSON(`${jsonRequest}${listItem.hash}`, infoShowCallback, [listItem.hash]);
+ }
+function listCallback(json, params)
+ debugLog('listCallback');
+ debugLog(json);
+ debugLog(params);
+ var [ now, hash_of_list ] = params;
+ values.delta_time = now - json.started_on;
+ values.min_times_played = Math.floor( values.delta_time / json.duration );
+ values.max_times_to_be_played = values.delta_time / json.duration;
+ values.Dt = values.max_times_to_be_played - values.min_times_played;
+ values.now_on_sequence = values.Dt * json.duration;
+ syncOnDOMfromListCallback(now, hash_of_list, json);
+ debugLog(`now_on_sequence: ${values.now_on_sequence}, Dt: ${values.Dt}`)
+ debugLog(json.list.map((item, index)=>({index, value: item})).sort((a,b)=>{return b.value.index - a.value.index}));
+ if ( json.list.length === 1 )
+ {
+ FetchJSON(`${jsonRequest}${json.list[0].hash}`, loadShowCallback, [json, values.now_on_sequence, json.list[0], hash_of_list]);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ for ( var i = 0; i < json.list.length - 1; i++)
+ {
+ if( i !== 0 ) appendPreviouslyPlayedShows(json.list[i-1]);
+ debugLog("getting there " + i)
+ debugLog(`${json.list[i].starts_on} < ${values.now_on_sequence} < ${json.list[i+1].starts_on}`);
+ if ( json.list[i].starts_on < values.now_on_sequence && values.now_on_sequence < json.list[i+1].starts_on )
+ {
+ values.now_on_sequence = values.now_on_sequence - json.list[i].starts_on;
+ debugLog(`now_on_sequence (1updated): ${values.now_on_sequence}`);
+ FetchJSON(`${jsonRequest}${json.list[i].hash}`, loadShowCallback, [json, values.now_on_sequence, json.list[i], hash_of_list]);
+ generateImage(json.list[i].hash);
+ debugLog('First!');
+ break;
+ }
+ else if ( values.now_on_sequence > json.list[i+1].starts_on && i === json.list.length - 2 )
+ {
+ if( i !== 0 ) appendPreviouslyPlayedShows(json.list[i]);
+ values.now_on_sequence = values.now_on_sequence - json.list[i+1].starts_on;
+ FetchJSON(`${jsonRequest}${json.list[i+1].hash}`, loadShowCallback, [json, values.now_on_sequence, json.list[i+1], hash_of_list]);
+ generateImage(json.list[i].hash);
+ debugLog('Second!');
+ break;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ debugLog(`We are here: ${i}`);
+ debugLog(values.now_on_sequence);
+ debugLog(json.list[i].starts_on);
+ if (i > 0) debugLog(json.list[i-1].starts_on);
+ debugLog('Nothing!');
+ }
+ }
+ }
+function hashCallback(json, params)
+ var [ now ] = params;
+ debugLog('hashCallback');
+ FetchJSON(`${jsonRequest}${json.latest_list}`, listCallback, [now, json.latest_list]);
+export function start_radio()
+ FetchJSON(`${listRequest}`, hashCallback, [ new Date().getTime() ]);
+// @license-end