// Arching Kaos Settings // // Kaotisk Hund - 2024 // // @license magnet:?xt=urn:btih:0b31508aeb0634b347b8270c7bee4d411b5d4109&dn=agpl-3.0.txt AGPL v3.0 // /* * We will be using browser's localStorage for the clients to configure their * desired way to visit the web-ui. * * Proposed setting values: * - Scan Stellar Asset or not * - Stellar Asset to scan for addresses * - ipfs gateway to use for retrieving ipfs parts (can change targeted swarm) * - ring to local node (must running API locally see ../arching-kaos-tools * repo) * - have a follow nodeInfo/zchain list and load these * - depth of retrieving at once (per zchain) (ak-enter -l X -n ) * * TODO: Make up a configuration item as well but there we could store locally * kays or other more personal stuff. Need to encrypt these with a password too! * */ import { makeElement } from "./arching-kaos-generator.js"; import { getSettingsPage } from "./ui/sections/settingsSection.js"; import { debugLog } from "./utils.js"; var default_settings = { ipfs: { gateway: { list: [ 'https://ipfs.arching-kaos.com/', 'http://gw.ipfs.z.kaotisk-hund.com/', 'http://localhost:8080/' ], active: 0 } }, stellar: { asset: { list: [ { code: 'ARCHINGKAOS', issuer: 'GB4QVKD6NW3CSNO5TNPARAWNPPXOPSSTKB35XCWB7PUNBIQTK3DVELB2' }, { code: 'KAOTISKHUND', issuer: 'GDLJKMETTIXAVTZ2XXR2LHUITT7GZBNWEKQDN7V7SP4MURVY6266BIMO' } ], active: 0 }, variableNames: { list: [ 'config', 'ak-config', 'kh-config' ], active: 0 }, horizon: { list: [ 'https://horizon.stellar.org/', 'http://horizon.stellar.z.kaotisk-hund.com/' ], active: 0 }, scan: false }, ak: { settings : { seekDepth: 10, }, connect: { list: [ '', 'http://z.kaotisk-hund.com:8610', 'http://api.aknet.z.kaotisk-hund.com/' ], active: 1 }, radio: { list: [ '', 'http://z.kaotisk-hund.com:8610', 'https://api.radio.arching-kaos.com' ], active: 2 }, scan: false } }; // TODO: Make up a settings configuration page to set this up initially rather // than forcing visitors to just save them into their local storage. // // We are overriding the settings each time to test our changes // with the settings above. // // if ( window.localStorage.getItem("ak-settings") === null ) { // window.localStorage.setItem("ak-settings", JSON.stringify(default_settings)); // } // var settings = JSON.parse(window.localStorage.getItem("ak-settings")); // // All comments above are replaced by temporary initializing without saving // anything in the localStorage var settings = default_settings; // Also, remove any settings stored from previous runs window.localStorage.removeItem("ak-settings"); // Full functionality for Stellar intergration, requires clearnet connection // However, we have other ways of running the WEB-UI, eg locally or via a // cjdns-based ipfs gateway. if (( location.origin === "http://z.kaotisk-hund.com") || ( location.origin === "http://gw.ipfs.z.kaotisk-hund.com") || ( location.origin === "http://[fc59:6076:6299:6776:c13d:fbb2:1226:ead0]")) { settings.ipfs.gateway.active = 1; settings.stellar.horizon.active = 1; settings.ak.connect.active = 1; settings.ak.radio.active = 1; } else if ( location.origin === "http://localhost:3000" ) { settings.ipfs.gateway.active = 2; } else { settings.ipfs.gateway.active = 0; } var settingsKeys = Object.keys(settings); function renderCheck(container, value){ var checkbox = document.createElement('input'); checkbox.type = 'checkbox'; if (value === true){ checkbox.checked = true; } container.appendChild(checkbox); } function renderList(container, value){ var selectOptions = document.createElement('select'); for ( var i = 0 ; i < value.list.length; i++ ){ var option = document.createElement("option"); if ( i === value.active ) { option.selected = true; }; option.innerText = value.list[i]; option.value = i; selectOptions.appendChild(option); } container.appendChild(selectOptions); } function renderAssets(container, value){ var selectOptions = document.createElement('select'); for ( var i = 0 ; i < value.list.length; i++ ){ var option = document.createElement("option"); if ( i === value.active ) { option.selected = true; }; option.innerText = value.list[i].code + "-" + value.list[i].issuer; option.value = i; selectOptions.appendChild(option); } container.appendChild(selectOptions); } function settingPlaceToDOM(key, value){ var container = document.createElement("details"); var summary = document.createElement("summary"); debugLog("~~KEY: "+key); summary.innerText=key; container.appendChild(summary); if ( Array.isArray(value) ){ var ul = document.createElement("select"); value.map((v)=>{ if (v.constructor.name === "Object"){ Object.keys(v).forEach((value)=>{ makeElement({element:"option", innerText:`${value}: ${v[value]}`, value: value}, ul); }); } else { makeElement({element:"option", innerText:v, value: v}, ul); } }); container.appendChild(ul); } else if (value.constructor.name === "Object" ) { debugLog("KEY: "+key); switch (key){ case 'ipfs': makeElement({ element:"h4",innerText:"Gateway" }, container); renderList(container, value.gateway); break; case 'stellar': makeElement({ element:"h4",innerText:"Asset" }, container); renderAssets(container, value.asset); makeElement({ element:"hr" }, container); makeElement({ element:"h4",innerText:"Variable Names" }, container); renderList(container, value.variableNames); makeElement({ element:"hr" }, container); makeElement({ element:"h4",innerText:"Horizon" }, container); renderList(container, value.horizon); makeElement({ element:"hr" }, container); makeElement({ element:"h4",innerText:"Scan" }, container); renderCheck(container, value.scan); break; case 'ak': makeElement({ element:"h4",innerText:"Connect" }, container); renderList(container, value.connect); break; default: container.innerText += " unknonwn lol"; } } else { debugLog(`Settings value: ${value}, type: ${typeof(value)}`); // container.innerText = value; } getSettingsPage().appendChild(container); } export function showSettings() { for ( var i = 0; i < settingsKeys.length; i++ ) { settingPlaceToDOM(settingsKeys[i], settings[settingsKeys[i]]); } // settingsKeys.forEach( // (value) => { // settingPlaceToDOM(value, settings[value]); // } // ); /* Small dump as pre text */ // var predump = document.createElement('pre'); // predump.innerText = JSON.stringify(settings, null, 2); // getSettingsPage().appendChild(predump); /* END of: Small dump as pre text */ } export function getSettings() { return default_settings; } // debugLog(settings.ipfsGatewayAddress[settings.ipfsSelectedGatewayAddress]); // vim: tabstop=4 shiftwidth=4 expandtab softtabstop=4 // @license-end