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-InfoChain development news
-Apparently, this is going better than though. No testing on open ground has come yet.
-However, I get to work more on the project cause it seems like a bunch of broken cables. The funny part: most of them work when you connect them! I have published a nearly done whitepaper about the infochain and a roadmap on the repository. You can find here: github.com/kaotisk-hund/arching-kaos-infochain or in the space around.
-Space around? Yes, soon this blog will be hosted on infochain, just for the lolz. As you can see on https://ipfs.arching-kaos.com/ipfs/QmVUKqHCy7dJwL2tZn1nB6zhMUcfqneqGD2Xd59RRYSC5T it's funny, I posted the first news post from this repository there.
-My problem? Yes, I have one in mind, what happens when the data becomes too big? Should I walk the transaction history? Should I walk the IPFS? What is there for me to understand?
-So here I am again on the "philosophical" part: IPFS is timeless but has space, Stellar is spaceless but has time.
-Indexing Stellar transactions by getting information through IPFS is like umm... Attaching space to times. This is the very sense of human being. Most of people that remained in history and we still discuss about them is about something they achieved or said or whatever that their doing remained generations and generations, maybe tampered maybe not, but they became beacons by the very information they provided.
-So maybe we all deserve something like that. If we are on the mood of creating something, I guess we would like for that something to be preserved, available, reachable. This is the artistic scope as well.
-Even people that cannot do what others do for granted. The question is: how does someone can do that without computer? Isn't tech becoming more and more involved in our lifes that sometimes it's hard to follow? I can't go into this pages called social media anymore. Of course we can connect with computers, we can connect AFK as well. The network is never disconnected. The network is not an autonomous system that handles information out of the blue. We put the information in there. Whenever we want. And other times, we go to research in there, or have fun, watch something, listen to music. Things we can do in our daily lifes, we attached them to the network, hoping that the network will help. This is it, what all this was about. Internet is here for ages. Dial-up modems, home to home connections, 56K and ISDN, wow! But since this could provide profit, it got bombarded with tons of places that help you pass information on! They provide a community! A place where all the people of the world can talk to each other. But just a moment, if I could connect from house to house, I wouldn't need to go to this or that site, right? Exactly!
-I want to say this a lot: google, facebook. What are they selling? There is a common product, with 2 variations. Emailing services!! Nothing more! Okay, google gives you an account to send emails, facebook is giving you your friends/pages/groups/messages/likes/shared/[...] notifications to your email account. You get one account from each, do some digging on facebook, speak to some people, boom! Full time job. Social media expert! Sorry folks, system needs to keep going.
-I don't like these stuff. I can connect to the internet's infrastructure to hit a link to a datacenter to reply to me "yes or no question in bash". The answer is fairly quick, even while it's routed through an international carrier that provides only up to 5Mbps of the 24Mbps contract. So yes, I don't like these stuff. I know that a computer, can get you anywhere. It's a magnificent tool. It's too bad we don't know how to make these things from scratch. So I guess they 'll be with us for a while or so.
-Infochain? Yes, infochain, this is to practise into problems with lots of information, it's about how to responsibly post information to the public network. Responsibility is not only towards to others but to yourself as well. A permanent storing solution maybe is not the best for information we want to change, right? Yes, but the solution I am working on is not for changing data, is for just storing them. Privacy should be your first concern. Not fully 100% anonymous through VPNs, proxies, TORxies and stuff, but encryption. Either way, you can still use them.
-Putting things into perspective: reading this post, you are probably visiting through the internet. You may use other means of connection to interact with the place this article is right now. Hehe, right now is nowhere 'cause I am still writting it and no save still. This piece, of information will get into your computer. Everybody will know that you visited. At least all the internet mediators. So, should I encrypt this? No!! I want you, whoever you are, to see this, I send it here, in my git repository firstly (you will read later about it), then to the infochain. But let's say, I wanted to discuss about this post with a friend. Apparently towards friends we don't have a problem to show our slopiness. So I send to them the same article. Should I encrypt? Now if you answered "yes" we are on the same page. This information is private. I want only the person I send to learn about it and read it. So yeah, what about the connection? Well, you can use your methods to get 100% anonymous and give it a try but there is a catch.
-What I want to create is a trusting space for people to hangout and do stuff on their own. I decided to do that on Stellar network because I though it was somehow free. Well, you 'll need to pay to activate an account. Also all transactions in the infochain, cost about 0.00001 XLM. For having the trustline added, you 'll need to pay that amount and also reserve 0.5XLM. And, also you will need 1XLM which is the minimum reserve for an account to exist. A total of 1.50001 so to start. Infochain transactions are split in 5 parts for the Stellar network, so the cost adjusts to 0.00005XLM per transaction. Okay, why to store 5 times the amount of simple ManageData action? Good question, I really don't know.
-So probably I shouldn't. I should make the infochain for reading Managed Data? Should I put an IPNS link in place for "site" or "whatever", just use the infochain for backward stuff? And what about chaining? Everyone their part? And how the commons would know who wants what? Commons could search from a registered database. How about the people that miss registrations? It's a common thing. Well this is a good question as well. We can probably ask who is trusting us to read their data. They store their data according to a "protocol/layout" and we read this.
-Site creator of course! Not something fancy, a template or more, with some effects maybe and fields that can be dynamically linked (property:value). A good way to think about this is how would you organize a shop.
-A shop fairly easy. You need the name, the ISNS code or barcode or whatever, this -very "in" term lately- SKU, photo(s), price, description. Reviews to that item is a different story. Reviewers will take the item, so they are qualified as customers e.g. pay for the thing with USDC referencing the SKU in the memo. The shop manager reads the transactions and decides on order which he has to send or which he has to do orders for them to complete in case the later doesn't have the items.
-Customers that got the item, may or may not want to say that the item was delivered, however, shop managers are required to send a transaction to the customers, saying that the SKU item was bought. So they sent this asset this time, let's it's called after a courier company e.g. CourierSmart. Even better the shop manager can buy CourierSmart and send them an order for delivery based on the same principals. CourierSmart should also have a shop. SKUs could be the districts to deliver, the sizes and weights they accept or whatever.
-Downscale a bit more. We have a really small town, really small, it has three fast food restaurants with delivery to your place. We will say just for the example, that each shop works with a delivery company, eg GoFastFood, SupaDelivery and RestauEatHom. All of these have their own assets build and their SKUs are available for everyone to see. If you order from John's Place which is in business with SupaDelivery, you will send to John's Place. They have to get to SupaDelivery, give them the information and pass the order. When the order is delivered, the delivery person says that yeah, I did it on their app, by sending to their company the message. Okay, complecated enough? You go to the shop, you buy hard cash, it's done. The shop manager does nothing, you just went to the shop and did it.
-I know, it's a pretty long story, and this "news" place is not the place anymore for it. But the pact is broken, so there you go. Another incomplete sequence by Kaotisk Hund.